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The exchange of information and the development of good working practice within Statoil worldwide operations


Statoil Hydro

Date of signature

16 December 2010


Statoil, Industri Energi, ICEM

Key objectives

“The purpose of the agreement is to create an open channel of information between Industri Energi /ICEM and Statoil Management about industrial relations issues in order to continuously improve and develop good work practices in Statoil's worldwide operations. (…)”
“Based on the Parties’ common recognition of fundamental human rights and Statoil's own values, the purpose is to monitor the practical application of the agreed principles and to discuss any improvements in the working practices or any positive contribution the Parties may make to the eradication of poverty through economic and social progress.”


2 years
“The duration of this agreement is two years, until 1st September 2012, after which this agreement will be evaluated and may be prolonged for a new period.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Statoil and Industri Energi/ICEM will meet annually to review practice in the area of the agreed principles and follow up this Agreement. The purpose shall be to discuss the issues covered by this agreement with a view to jointly agreeing actions that will further develop good working practices. (...) Participants at these annual meetings will normally be 4-5 senior officials from Industri Energi/ICEM and relevant managers from Statoil.”

“Industri Energi/ICEM will distribute copies of this agreement to all its member unions that organise employees in Statoil companies around the world, and will broadly publicise the existence of the agreement and explain its implications to its unions in the Company. Statoil will in the same manner distribute copies of this agreement to all Statoil offices in local languages of the countries concerned and will inform local management of the existence and contents of this Agreement. Any external information about this agreement shall be mutually agreed by the Parties.”

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights, social dialogue at global level,

Secondary topic(s)

freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, trade unions rights, forced labour, child labour, equal opportunities and treatment, fair wages and benefits, health and safety, sustainability.
