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The Charter of the principles of social management at the Dexia group



Date of signature

18 December 2002


CEO of the Dexia Group, Dexia works council

Key objectives

"The purpose of this on-going dialogue is to foster the development of a “Dexia corporate identity” born not of any legal document but providing each of the companies which make up the Group a practical framework within which to develop its own social dialogue (…).Nevertheless, in view of the “corporate identity” of the Group, each entity must take account of the common values which lie at the heart of that Group. They constitute the “Principles of Social Management at Dexia” (…). Taken as a whole, these principles form the basis of rules which will apply to all workers in the Group who have a contract, regardless of the business unit by which they may be employed.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Taken as a whole, these principles form the basis of rules which will apply to all workers in the Group who have a contract, regardless of the business unit by which they may be employed.”

Review and monitoring

About equality: “This point will be the subject of a special follow-up in the social report that the Group publishes each year in its annual report.”
About employment: “The President guarantees the Group’s European Works Council that the accompanying measures work properly. The officers of this Works Council will thus be kept regularly informed about them.
The officers of the European Works Council may send a delegation to the business unit concerned if the negotiations break down and an outside arbitrator is needed.
In order to monitor all these provisions the President undertakes to inform the European Works Council at least once a year of the present and foreseeable needs of employment in the companies within the Group as well as on the training measures, proficiency courses and vocational re-education that workers in the Group might be required to undergo as a result.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Evolution of the principles of social management of the Dexia Group: sale (2007)

Main topic

Social values of the Group,

Secondary topic(s)

trade union rights, information and consultation, social dialogue, development of skills, mobility within the group, training, restructurings (redeployment, support measures).
