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Sodexo's European works council agreement on diversity and inclusion for "senior"



Date of signature

04 March 2015


HRD, EWC members

Key objectives

"The objective of this Agreement is to define the conditions which will enable us to keep our employees in work longer by keeping them motivated."


2 years

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"Every company with more than 300 employees, which has not put in place an intergenerational policy or a dedicated policy for older workers, must draw up a plan based on the recommendations of this Agreement within 12 months of signing this Agreement. This plan must include specific objectives.
This plan will be the focus of a dialogue with the social partners of the companies concerned (union representatives and/or works council representatives depending on the regulations of the countries concerned) before implementing it.
This plan must respect the fundamental principle of individual liberty and can only be applied on a voluntary basis by each employee concerned. This plan includes an individual interview with each employee who volunteers and who is affected by the measures for older workers.(...) Following the responses to these questions, an action plan can be drawn up so as to work on the intergenerational political axes of each country in accordance with local legislation. Of course, these provisions do not affect national regulations or more restrictive conventional provisions, where these exist."

Review and monitoring

"The implementation of this Agreement will be followed up once a year by the EWC committee. A report on this will be given at the annual plenary meeting of the EWC."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

not defined

Related texts

International Framework agreement (2011)

Main topic

older workers employment

Secondary topic(s)
