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Sodexo-IUF Joint Commitment on preventing sexual harassment (Annex to Sodexo-IUF International framework agreement of 12 December 2011)



Date of signature

21 June 2017



Key objectives

"Sodexo" and "the IUF" want to ensure that all employees are aware of acts that constitute sexual harassment and that they fully understand what is expected of them and their families. they know how to report a potential problem and can confidently report suspected abuse. "


not defined

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"Sodexo recognizes the importance of establishing a local procedure regarding sexual harassment in the workplace, known by the employees, and specific to each country, in order to report incidents of sexual harassment and allow them to be investigated and treated with confidentiality and neutrality. Information collected under this procedure will be handled by persons of confidence with specific training in this area, so that they can carry out a reliable and fair investigation of reported cases."

Review and monitoring

"In order to ensure the effectiveness of measures to address sexual harassment in the workplace in each country and to ensure that the bases of the principles set out above are known, the parties will agree on regular review procedures to evaluate the progress of their different actions (annual meeting). "

Dispute settlement and sanctions

not defined

Related texts

International Framework agreement between SODEXO and IUF (12 December 2011)

Main topic

Sexual harassment

Secondary topic(s)

