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Sodexo/ IUF declaration of intent on domestic violence



Date of signature

June 5, 2023


Sodexo Group Chief Human Resources Officer, IUF General Secretary

Key objectives

"This document materializes the discussions between the IUF and Sodexo with a view to establish an agreed set of domestic violence policies/protocols. "

"Sodexo and the IUF commit jointly to actively implement relevant provisions of ILO C190 and R206 on domestic violence items (for example in the preamble and in article 10 (f) of C190, paragraphs 4 (a) and 18 of R206) (in countries that have ratified ILO C190)."


Not determined

Implementation and dissemination

"The IUF and Sodexo recommend that all Sodexo entities worldwide apply the following key commitments and 3 levels of action below.
The commitments are:

  • The Sodexo Group will propose an effective framework to mitigate the impacts of domestic violence which may include different actions that could be taken (when applicable), for instance specific provisions in collective bargaining agreements or standalone policies; protection of employees from adverse action or discrimination; temporary protection against dismissal; dedicated leave; flexible work arrangements; reasonable accommodations such as transfers, reassignments; assessment of individual circumstances of the victim; etc.
  • The Sodexo Group will encourage worldwide entities to develop a local framework of similar actions.  The Sodexo Group will encourage worldwide entities to take care of the health, safety and wellbeing of their employees and develop a safe and supportive workplace environment.
  • The Sodexo Group will encourage worldwide entities to think about the safety/security measures that may be required to mitigate the impacts of domestic violence, as including domestic violence in a workplace risk assessment.  The Sodexo Group will encourage entities worldwide to develop work cultures that help to break the silence around this important issue.  The Sodexo Group will encourage entities worldwide to ensure its employees are aware that the organization will support people experiencing domestic violence and afford them help.
  • The Sodexo Group will encourage entities worldwide to outline people’s different roles and responsibilities when it comes to supporting employees experiencing domestic violence.

Based on these commitments, Sodexo and IUF respectively encourage their local entities and affiliated organizations (when applicable and where they exist) to discuss at national and/or local level and to develop dedicated policies to mitigate the impacts of domestic violence issue and give to workers regular information on domestic violence."

Review and monitoring

"Sodexo wishes to share these measures with the IUF affiliated organizations at the yearly meeting to exchange on best practices. IUF will support Sodexo in all these commitments by sharing with their affiliates all good practices their partners develop. IUF will also promote information/documentation and trainings to its affiliates to develop and raise awareness to mitigate the impacts of domestic violence, when needed and relevant. A report on the actions taken by IUF will be done on a yearly basis."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"Sodexo and the IUF recognize the importance of maintaining permanent communication between both organizations, in order to jointly promote the implementation of the present declaration and to seek solutions to occuring problems."

Related texts

Sodexo-IUF International Framework Agreement (2011), Sodexo-IUF Joint Commitment on preventing sexual harassment annex to the Sodexo IUF International Framework Agreement (2017),  Sodexo-IUF declaration of intent on health and safety, including the pandemic as prompted by Covid-19 Crisis (2020).

Main topic

domestic violence
