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Social standards applicable in restructuring of biscuits division in Europe - Danone



Date of signature

25 October 2001


Danone group, IUF

Key objectives

“These provisions set out the standards to form the reference framework for the negotiations between trade unions or staff representatives, at the appropriate level, and the management of affected entities, in the context of the company's restructuring plan announced in March 2001.”


“These bodies will monitor developments while the restructuring plan is being carried out for up to 24 months after the departure of an employee (or longer if necessary, by local agreement).” *

Applicable law

Not mentioned

Implementation and dissemination

“IUF undertakes to communicate and explain the provisions of the Agreement to its affiliates. It will also ask its affiliates to cooperate with local management, in accordance with the principles contained in the Agreement, with a view to favouring talks and negotiated settlements.
Danone General Management undertakes to communicate and explain the Agreement to its local managers and to ensure that its individual enterprises implement the Agreement properly and in full.”

Review and monitoring

“In order to ensure that agreements negotiated at national or company level, within the framework of this Agreement, are properly implemented, joint union-management bodies will be set up at all of the Group's entities affected (or will be given this role, if such bodies already exist). Employee representatives on these bodies will be given regular lists of employees and an update of proposals made by Danone in response to employee demands. These bodies will monitor developments while the restructuring plan is being carried out for up to 24 months after the departure of an employee (or longer if necessary, by local agreement).
At European level, a 'joint extended steering group' will be created. This body will be provided with a consolidated situation of each undertaking. It will be charged with the examination and conciliation of any conflicts arising at local level, at the request of IUF on behalf of the IUF-affiliated local union concerned.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“In the event of a dispute between an IUF-affiliated organisation and local company management, IUF and Danone undertake to support joint local efforts to reach a negotiated solution. If the dispute cannot be settled at local level, IUF and Danone undertake to arrive at a negotiated settlement.”

Related texts

Common viewpoint IUF/BSN (1988)
Convention on economic and social data in Groupe Danone companies (1989, updated 2005)
Convention for the promotion of equality of men and women in the workplace (1989, updated 2005)
Convention on Skills Training (1992, updated 2005)
Convention on Trade Union Rights (1994, updated 2005)
Convention applicable in the event of changes in business activities affecting employment or working conditions (1997, updated 2005)
Convention on the setting up of social indicators at group level (2005)
Fundamental Social Principles (2005)
Group Danone/IUF Convention on Diversity (2007)

Main topic


Secondary topic(s)

job security, transfer, outsourcing, etc, accompanying measures, employee involvement, anticipation of change/strategic.
