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Social Rights and Ethics Charter Air France KLM


Air France KLM

Date of signature

10 July 2013


CEO of the AIR FRANCE KLM Group,CEO of AIR FRANCE,CEO of KLM,General Secretary and the Deputy General Secretaries of the AFKL EWC.

Key objectives

The purpose of this Charter is to foster a climate of enhanced mutual trust and respect in a work environment in which no form of discrimination or harassment may be tolerated. The development of a work environment favorable to the good economic and commercial performance of the Group and each of its companies, to progress in labour relations and personnel advancement requires continuous and extensive cooperation on the part of all.



Applicable law

French Law
"This Charter will be registered with the competent authorities as stipulated by French Law, applicable to the present text."

Implementation and dissemination

Responsibility for the application of the Charter
1.1  The management team of each signatory company is responsible for the distribution and the proper application of the Charter.
1.2  The management team of each signatory company shall appoint a contact person at the appropriate level of the hierarchy.The names of the contact persons shall be published in order to inform all employees and the Select Committee of the AIR FRANCE KLM European Works Council
.1.3  Contact persons.
The role of the contact persons is defined as below:
-  Facilitate communication on the Charter to management and employees, and ensure that the Charter is available for each employee,
-  Advise management on how to apply the Charter,
-  Collect and report on complaints filed, make proposals, present a report each year to the management of the concerned company,
-  Represent the company (or Group) in order to present and promote the AIR FRANCE KLM Social Rights and Ethics Charter
1.4  Corporate coordinating Contact Persons (CCP)
-  The contact person appointed by AIR FRANCE for France and the French subsidiaries
-  The contact person appointed by KLM for the Netherlands and the Dutch subsidiaries.
-  The joint AIR FRANCE KLM contact person for European countries other than France and the Netherlands
shall respectively play the role of coordinator within their respective geographic perimeter.

Review and monitoring

The General Management of each company of the AIR FRANCE KLM Group (see Appendix 2) and the AIR FRANCE KLM European Works Council (AFKL EWC) shall oversee the application of this social Charter. Monitoring its effective application will be the responsibility of the AFKL EWC, consulting with but not substituting itself for the representative bodies in the countries concerned. In this way, the Select Committee of AIR FRANCE KLM European Works Council will be in a position to alert the appropriate personnel representatives and divisions so as to ensure application of the Charter. All procedures which could guarantee the monitoring of the Charter application are described in Appendix 4. Once a year, the agenda of the AFKL EWC will include a report on the application of the Charter.

Dispute settlement and sanctions

2. "Claims filed by an employee concerning the application of the Charter
The provisions in this paragraph have a subsidiary character. They only apply when no other contractual or legal framework exists which ensures at least an equal level of protection, as guaranteed by this Charter and concerns the same purpose.
2.1 Any employee or group of employees in one of the companies stated in Appendix 2 may ask for remedial action to be taken should they consider that the Charter is not properly applied.
2.2 In this case, the contact person is informed, by a formal claim in writing, by one of the representatives (on site or in the regional management) in compliance with national legislation and in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, chosen by the employee or the group of employees.
The implementation and claims process are detailed in the current application Memorandum of the Charter."

Related texts

Memorandum regarding the appplication of the Social Rights and Ethics Charter of Air France KLM
Framework agreement regarding the Air France KLM and Martinair Cargo organisation in Europe

Main topic

Fundamental Social Rights

Secondary topic(s)

Child labour, social rights, health, safety and dignity at the workplace,employment, wages, working time and working conditions, social dialogue, equality, subcontracting
