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Social Responsibility Guidelines Code of Conduct of Rheinmetall AG



Date of signature

15 October 2003


Rheinmetall AG, EWC Rheinmetall, European Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF), International Metalworker’s Federation (IMF)

Key objectives

“Knowing about our mutual responsibility and convinced that this agreement will enable us to make an important contribution to a better cooperation across borders throughout the Rheinmetall group and to overcome cultural and language barriers, the following guidelines are laid down.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The Social Responsibility Guidelines / Code of Conduct of Rheinmetall AG […] oblige senior manager and employees at all levels to comply with, accept and promote the agreed objectives. The responsibility lies with the management of the individual operations and with the workers’ representatives, insofar as such a body exists.”

“The basic principles will be made available in an appropriate form to the management, the workers’ representatives and employees of all operations throughout the group.”

Review and monitoring

“The parties hereto will exchange information on problems, deviations or necessary changes of the guidelines at least once a year. This exchange of information is currently taking place within the body of the European Works Council of Rheinmetall AG.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“All employees have the right to address issues and problems related to the agreed guidelines. This will not be to their detriment neither will it entail any sanctions.”

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

forced labour, child labour, adequate remuneration, working time limits, health and safety, vocational training, right to organise and to bargain collectively, trade union rights (positive response), equal opportunities/discrimination, minimum wage, sustainability.

Rhodia_IFA_EN (1).pdf