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Protocol for the application of the Inditex Global Framework agreement on the Implementation of International Labour Standards throughout the Inditex Supply



Date of signature

3 October 2022


Acting CEO of Inditex, General Secretary of IndustriAll Global Union

Key objectives

“This document aims to establish a development of the structures defined in the GFA as well as to establish specific objectives, steps for the implementation and a development of the dialogue and its structures, in order to make the joint implementation of the GFA by the Inditex Sustainability Department and the Committee more versatile.”


Same duration than the Global Framework Agreement signed on November 13, 2019

Implementation and dissemination

This protocol defines and organises the role of each structure in the implementation of the 2019 agreement and sets out actions.

The protocol splits the actions into three areas:

  • Identification, monitoring and promotion of a sustainable environment in the Inditex GSC (training activities on GFA among Inditex global supply chain (GSC) workers, their respective union representatives, suppliers and manufacturers, joint exploratory, learning and monitoring visits to the GSC factories, monitoring of the Inditex GSC through the access of IndustriAll Global Union and its affiliates to the Inditex GSC factories),
  • strengthen social dialogue in the Inditex GSC (for example by establishing mechanisms to promote social dialogue between suppliers and local unions)
  • GFA implementation areas (capacity building programs defined in the GFA, etc.).

With regard to the structures established to ensure implementation and monitoring, the protocol relies on the Global Union Committee, which includes “both the unions of the parent company and those of its GSC”, and “should be the tool to coordinate, together with the Inditex Sustainability Department, all the activities related to the GFA that are developed at global and local level in the Inditex GSC.” This committee will appoint a "Coordination" group to liaise with Inditex and this in turn will appoint a "General Coordinator" to represent the committee.

In addition, the Protocol grants local unions the right to be assisted by "union experts" to support them as they implement the agreement.

Review and monitoring

The Global Union Committee will meet once a year to review the implementation of the GFA.

Dispute settlement

“(…) the parties understand that any breach of the GFA can be solved through social dialogue at local level, in the workplace and with the support of the local Inditex sustainability team, local trade union, member of the Committee or respective trade union expert and always under the guarantees of the local legislation of each country. In this regard, both Inditex and IGU agree to inform each other about any breach of the GFA to allow a proper investigation and implementation of a corrective action plan with the aim of solving the issue. This implementation will be complemented by the mediation of the respective trade union expert and the local Inditex team (if they exist) who would jointly follow the evolution of the same.

In case of negative evolution of the corrective plan, a warning will be given to the particular supplier factory. If after a reasonable period of time the situation persists or becomes worse, the activation of a responsible exit strategy could be agreed by both sides. “

If the issue cannot be dealt with at a local level, the Protocol provides for the possibility of escalating the issue to the Global Union Committee.


“Questions concerning the interpretation of the Agreement shall be resolved through consultation between the Inditex Sustainability Department and the GFA Coordination. Necessary efforts will be made to find common agreement (taking into account, among other things, opinions and suggestions of trade union experts in terms of local law), but when this is not possible, the parties will, in appropriate circumstances, seek the expert advice of the ILO for mediation and dispute settlement. As long as they agree, they may, alternatively, go to an independent third party for mediation.”

Related texts

Global Framework Agreement on the Implementation of International Labour Standards throughout the Inditex Supply Chain (2019)
Global Agreement for Implementation of Fundamental Rights and Decent Work (2009)
International Framework Agreement on the Implementation of International Labour Standards throughout the Inditex Supply Chain (2007)

Main topic

Fundamental rights at work, supply chain

