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Principles of Social responsibility in Labor Relations in the ThyssenKrupp Group



Date of signature

19 January 2007


ThyssenKrupp, EWC, Group Works Council

Key objectives

“(…) the Executive Board of ThyssenKrupp AG, the group Works Council and the European Works Council document with this Declaration the fundamental goals and principles of socially responsible cooperation. A fundamental basis for exercising that socially responsibility is that the ThyssenKrupp Group remains competitive, innovative and economically successful in the short, medium and long term. The social partners are determined to preserve that basis.”


“Termination of agreement December 31, 2010”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“These agreed Principles shall be valid worldwide for all subsidiaries. (…) ThyssenKrupp shall thereby encourage its customers and suppliers to consider corresponding principles in their own corporate policies with a view inter alia to promoting mutual relations. (…)
Responsibility for implementation shall be borne by the Management Boards and Directors of the subsidiaries (…)”

“Through their publication on the internet/intranet, ThyssenKrupp shall ensure that this Agreement is brought to the knowledge of employees and can be implemented in the subsidiaries. ThyssenKrupp shall ensure that these principles are made known to customers and suppliers, including in particular through publication on the internet.”

Review and monitoring

“Signatory parties shall monitor compliance with this Agreement.”
“The chairman of the Group Works Council and the European Works Council shall be informed at least once per year of violations of this Framework Agreement.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“Violations are to be reported to ThyssenKrupp AG without delay.”

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental social rights,

Secondary topic(s)

right to organise and bargain collectively, equal opportunities, diversity and anti-discrimination, health and safety, working time, fair wages, training, sustainability, forced labour, child labour.

