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Principles of Social Responsibility and Human rights at Daimler



Date of signature

1rst September 2021


Chairman of the Board, representatives of the world works council, German central works council, IndustriAll Global Union

Key objectives

"To achieve our common goals, we at Daimler, our General Works Council, the World EmployeeCommittee and IndustriALL Global Union have agreed on these Principles that supplement the human rights compliance requirements in our Integrity Code. These Principles were developed in cooperation with the responsible internal departments, Daimler’s General Works Council and the World Employee Committee as well as external experts and stakeholders."


Not defined

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"These Principles were adopted jointly by corporate management, Daimler’s General Works
Council, the World Employee Committee and IndustriALL Global Union as binding
requirements within Daimler for the implementation of the core elements of human
rights due diligence. These Principles are binding around the world for all managers and
employees of Daimler as well as all controlled Daimler Group companies and designate contact
persons to assist business partners, customers and employees.
Corporate Audit will also monitor compliance with these Principles as part of their audits,
and will include these Principles in their criteria for assessment. Corporate management
reports on and discusses the realization of social responsibility in the company and the
implementation of these Principles with the World Employee Committee on a regular basis."

Review and monitoring

"The Integrity and Legal Affairs executive division of Daimler is responsible for the overarching
activities related to human rights.""

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"There are a number of channels for employees and external third parties to report suspected
human rights violations and request assistance—as defined in the third pillar of the UN Guiding
Principles on Business and Human Rights, “Access to Remedy”. These channels include in
particular our BPO (Business Practices Office) and Daimler’s World Employee Committee.""

Related texts

Principal of social responsibility (DaimlerChrysler 2012 and 2002)

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights, human rights

Secondary topic(s)
