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Pernod Ricard European agreement on CSR


Pernod Ricard

Date of signature

07 January 2014


For Pernod Ricard Vice-Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, For EFFAT General Secretary

Key objectives

"Group Management and EFFAT have produced this agreement in conjunction with the European Works Council. In a single document, it encompasses Pernod Ricard's voluntary approach to developing a CSR policy that sets forth the commitments, principles and procedures that apply to all the European subsidiaries of Pernod Ricard."


4 years
"This agreement shall be effective on the date of execution for a period of 4 years.
In the year prior to the expiry of the agreement and no later than 3 months before the expiry, the signatories shall meet in order to take stock of the enforcement of the agreement and to renew it if appropriate.
The parties to the agreement are entitled to withdraw from the agreement by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt with 6 months' prior notice."

Applicable law

Implementation and dissemination

"Pernod Ricard thus considers that the agreement shall be gradually enforced across subsidiaries within the European Union within a reasonable timeframe.
Pursuant to the principle of subsidiarity (i.e. based on economic, cultural, professional and regulatory specificities) the Group's entities outside the European Union shall determine how and when the principles and commitments provided in the agreement will be enforced."
"The managers of the subsidiaries concerned shall be provided with information enabling them to enforce the principles and commitments featured in the agreement. The subsidiaries concerned by the agreement shall inform the local staff representation of its existence.

"5.3 Signature of the agreement by Group companies
Pernod Ricard's subsidiaries within the European Union shall enter the agreement with the signature of the CEO and HR manager. Subsidiaries that wish to enter the agreement but are outside the scope shall supply a binding document whereby they shall gradually implement the terms of the agreement.
The EFFAT representatives will be communicated the list of companies joining the agreement."

Review and monitoring

"Depending on the significance and/or urgency of the matters concerned, the European Works Council or its Select Committee shall be informed of the implementation of the agreement.
All signatory subsidiaries shall choose how the agreement shall be monitored. Regardless of the option chosen, the subsidiaries must report on their CSR actions to the staff representative bodies at least one per year. The report shall be forwarded to the Group's HR Department.
The European Works Council and the EFFAT representatives shall be provided with a yearly assessment report on the enforcement of the agreement. If appropriate, excerpts of the report can be used in Pernod Ricard's Reference Document in order to provide external information on the Group's extra-financial performance.
Furthermore, the signatory parties Pernod Ricard and EFFAT shall meet once a year to monitor the enforcement of the agreement and address any issues pertaining to it if necessary."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Pernod Ricard Charter
- Pernod Ricard sustainable development commitments (formerly sustainable development Charter)
- Procurement Code of Ethics
- Responsible Procurement Policy
- le Group Environmental Roadmap
- Supplier CSR Commitment
- Supplier CSR Evaluation Process
- Mini-guide to Fraud Awareness
- Pernod Ricard Commercial Communications Code

Main topic


Secondary topic(s)

1. Respect for stakeholders
respect for employees (human rights, health and safety, evaluation, training and development skills, social welfare, fight against discrimination, anticipation of change, labour relations, working environment, compensation and employment)
respect for subcontractors and suppliers
respect for customers and consumers,
respect for governance bodies,
respect for communities,
2. Responsible drinking advocacy,
3. Respect for environment,
Cultural exchanges

