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Open dialogue through equal opportunities (ODEO) – 2010 Amendment of the Agreement on Equal opportunities within the Areva Group in Europe



Date of signature

16 November 2010


AREVA Senior Executive Vice President HR, Deputy Secretary General European Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF)

Key objectives

“By this amendment, the parties reaffirm their will to renew the agreement for the next three years and confirm the necessity to perpetuate the ODEO approach as a positive driver to achieve the commitments towards Equal Opportunities (…)”
“The purpose of this amendment is to:
- Formalise and perpetuate the ODEO approach
- Enrich the renewed agreement with best practices identified through the ODEO project (…)”
“This amendment modifies and completes the 2006 Group Memorandum of Agreement on Equal Opportunities within the AREVA Group in Europe.”


“The present revision agreement is valid until the 15th of November 2012. It shall be tacitly renewed for a period of three years, unless terminated by one of the signatories by notification of the other, by registered letter, at least 6 months before the end of a three-year term.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The necessary means and time will be allocated in order to fulfil the objectives of the ODEO approach. In this context, negotiation will take place at national and/or local level. “
“The 2006 agreement and its amendment will be presented to local Works Councils. (…)”

Review and monitoring

“A Monitoring Committee will annually take place with the AREVA Management and the European Works Council Select Committee to present the entities actions’ plans follow-up and outcome as well as sharing the best practices developed along the year.
Each year, the AREVA Management and the European Works Council Select Committee will present the results to the European Metalworkers’ Federation.
In addition to this European Monitoring Committee, monitoring committees will be set up on site and/or at national level.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Agreement on Equal Opportunities within the AREVA Group in Europe (2006)

Main topic

Equal opportunities, social dialogue.

Secondary topic(s)

