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Memorandum of Understanding signed between Uber and the International Transport Workers' Federation


Uber Technologies Inc.

Date of signature

30 November 2021


Uber Head of Global Policy ITF General Secretary

Key objectives

While recognising differences over issue of employment status, the MoU establishes a partnership forum through which parties agree to social dialogue and that labor unions play a key role in advancing working conditions and workers’ rights. The parties intend to discuss and collaborate on measures which include, but not limited to; freedom of association and bargaining, occupational safety and health, dispute mechanisms and social protections.


2 years

Implementation and dissemination

Agreement is confidential, but envisages quarterly meetings which include ITF affiliates and others as relevant to the discussions.

Review and monitoring

The memorandum will be reviewed after the 2-year period is up.

Dispute settlement and sanctions

The parties agree to keep each other informed of developments at national level where relevant.

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights, working conditions and social protection of drivers and couriers using the Uber app.