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Joint Declaration on the Emergency Crisis - Generali



Date of signature

10 May 2021


management, EWC select committee

Key objectives

""The Parties (...) acknowledge that it is necessary to reflect upon the adoption of a different modality of carrying out the work activity in this emergency time which is carried out mainly remotely and with the use of technological and IT tools, which allow a more flexible management of the service, both with reference to times and with reference to the places where the work is carried out. This different method favors a better reconciliation of life and work times and, at the same time, the growth of productivity and the achievement of company results. (...) To this end, the parties express their common intent to promote the following principles to be referred to during the current emergency and encourage their dissemination in the Countries that are part of the EWC perimeter, in case of the occurrence of another serious crisis like the present one. ""


Not defined

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

""The present joint declaration means to set general principles of reference for the entities located in the various European territories, so as to inspire them to autonomously develop initiatives, respecting the peculiarities of each country, intended to tackle crisis situations such as the COVID-19 one and to start a gradual transition towards normality. ""

Review and monitoring

""The Parties involved confirm their commitment to periodically monitor the implementation of this joint declaration, according to what is already foreseen by the EWC agreement, starting, if and when necessary, the information and consultation process, concerning the transnational measures proposed. Furthermore, taking into account a long period of telework caused by the contingent situation, as well as by the transition to the ""new normality"", the Parties undertake to include periodically in the agenda of the Select Committee meetings a way to monitor the implementation and evolution of remote working in the Countries that fall within the EWC scope.""

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

crisis management

Secondary topic(s)

health and safety, gender equality, remote work, training
