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Joint declaration on responsibles sales - UniCredit



Date of signature

27 May 2015


CEO, EWC members

Key objectives

"Therefore, this joint declaration aims to improve the internal business culture, inspiring the Group's guidelines and promoting best practices within all countries and all companies, while respecting the different national legal and labor law contexts.To this end, it is important to ensure a continuous dialogue on responsible sales between the Management and the Workers' representatives."


not defined

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"UniCredit and the Workers' Representatives of the EWC are committed to ensuring the maximum dissemination and dissemination of this declaration among the various countries of the Group, with the common aim of promoting the culture of sustainable and responsible business practices through social dialogue.""
""The joint declaration will be submitted to the attention of the Group management of all the companies and all the countries in which the Group operates, with the aim of informing and raising awareness of its principles, in compliance with the different national legal and labor law contexts."

Review and monitoring

"• monitoring will be carried out jointly at central level by the Restricted Committee of the EWC and by the Central Management;
• during the meetings of the Restricted Committee, potential problems will be faced by the parties in order to assess the current situation at the global level and at the country level and to ensure appropriate application of the principles of this declaration"

Dispute settlement and sanctions

not defined

Related texts

Joint Declaration on ‘Equal Opportunities and Non-Discrimination’ (2009) ;
Joint Declaration on Learning, Training and Professional Developmen ( 2008),
Establishment of Joint Commission (2008),
Joint declaration on ""work-life balance"" (2017)

Main topic

responsible sales

Secondary topic(s)

training, conflict of interest, financial risks, social dialogue
