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Joint Declaration on Fundamentals of Social Responsibility of the MANN+HUMMEL Group



Date of signature

24 June 2011


Central management representative, EWC and IMF

Key objectives

"The continued globalization of the markets in goods and capital enables transnational groups to set up global production and distribution networks. These global networks imply social responsibility and respect for the fundamental principle of people co­ existing and working together in harmony. The group management, along with national and international workers representatives, recognizes this social responsibility of the MANN+HUMMEL Group as a global company"


not defined

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

not defined

Review and monitoring

"Consultations regarding compliance with the goals and implementation of the principles will take place once a year in the European Works Council with the participation of the IMF/EMF ."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"ln case of complaints or indications regarding a possible breach of this joint declaration, each employee can turn directly to his superviser, the respective local workers' representative or the external ombudsperson appointed by MANN+HUMMEL, who will also treat the manner confidentially upon request. Employees that report a possible infringement or the breach of this Joint declaration bona fide will not face reprisals".

Related texts

Main topic

fundamental labour rights

Secondary topic(s)

forcer labour, non discrimination, child labour, freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, compliance with the national rules on wages and working time, health and safety, skills development, subscontracting and business partners
