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Joint declaration by Bayer AG's Board of Management and the Bayer European Forum



Date of signature

13 November 2014


Board of Management of Bayer AG, Europa Forum

Key objectives

"Any future personnel measures at Bayer and at BMS AG following its legal separation from Bayer will be also be implemented in such a manner as to avoid social hardship and safeguard employment in the long term."


Non defined

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"This joint procedure should help to implement the necessary measures in the European countries in a socially responsible manner."

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

In this context, the Joint Committee can serve as a clearing point in accordance with the Group Agreement on the Bayer European Forum.

Related texts

Main topic

Socially responsible implementation of the separation of BMS

Secondary topic(s)

job security, information and consultation with employees, employability
