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International Framework Agreement between SALINI-IMPREGILO S.p.A.and Building and Wood Worker's International (BWI), FENEAL UIL, FILCA CISL and FILLEA CGIL



Date of signature

13 October 2014


Building and Wood. Worker's International (BWI), Salini- Impregilo S.p.A, FENEAL UIL, FILCA CISL and FILLEA CGIL

Key objectives

The parties commit themselves to working along the following guidelines in order to achieve social justice and sustainable development: Salini- Impregilo S.p.A and BWI "" recognize that the industrial sustainable development of the construction industry is in the interest of both the company and its workers; recognize the need for open democratic industrial relations and for fair collective bargaining procedures for union and company representatives; recognize that corruption, bribery and anti-competitive practices distort market rules and hamper economic, social and democratic development; highlight the need to promote and monitor the implementation of the fundamental principles of Human Rights"".


The Agreement shall remain in force until one of the Parties terminates it with a written notice to the other Party at least 3 months in advance. Not earlier than 2 years after signing the Agreement, any Party may request to review it.

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

Salini Impregilo S.p.A. shall provide all construction sites and workplaces with information on the Agreement, both in written (in the local language and/or dialect) and verbal form. All Parties are made highly aware of their responsibilities to disseminate the contents of the Agreement among all activities of Salini Impregilo S.p.A. as thoroughly as possible.

Review and monitoring

""Salini Impregilo S.p.A. HR representatives and the delegates of the signatory federations will be part of an advisory/ monitoring group. At least once a year - or when the need arises - the group shall meet in order to assess and review the implementation of the Agreement.""

Dispute settlement and sanctions

The Parties agree that any dispute arising from the interpretation or execution of the Agreement will be jointly discussed for the purpose of
its settlement.

Main topic

Fundamental Human Rights, Social Justice, Industrial Sustainable Development, Collective Bargaining

Secondary topic(s)

Non-discrimination, prevention of forced labour, prevention of child labour, freedom of association, working hours, wages, health and safety, environmental awareness vocational training, employment relations
