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International Framework Agreement between STAEDTLER, IG Metall germany and Building and Woodworkers’ International (BWI)



Date of signature

10 November 2006


Staedtler, IG Metall, Building and Woodworkers’ International

Key objectives

“The undersigned emphasise the need for a transparent and democratic social dialogue and for fair negotiations with employees’ representative bodies and their trade unions. […] The undersigned emphasise the fundamental principles of human rights […] The undersigned are committed to working towards these aims.”


“This Agreement will remain valid until one of the parties to the contract revokes it in writing observing a period of notice of three calendar months to the end of a month.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“STAEDTLER shall ensure that the agreement is implemented by means of appropriate internal measures. These measures will include:
• information und instruction
• integration in management systems und controlling
• establishment of local responsibilities
• inclusion in handbooks and guidelines, as far as available
• inclusion in purchasing guidelines and contracts with suppliers, as far as possible
• obligation to report to the Board of Directors
• inclusion in the internal, international audit procedures
• inclusion in the agreements on objectives which form the basis of the
variable salary plan of Managing Directors.”

“STAEDTLER shall inform its employees in all its affiliates about this agreement in the language of the country of employment.”

Review and monitoring

"A monitoring team will be instated consisting of representatives of STAEDTLER (Managing Directors, internal auditors and members of the works council), IG Metall and BWI. The monitoring team will hold its first meeting in 2007 and biannually thereafter, in order to evaluate and supervise the implementation of the agreement. The meetings shall be held at all sites of the STAEDTLER Group. […] Local trade unions and/or employees’ representatives will be granted the right to participate in the meetings of the monitoring team.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental laour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

child labour, forced labour, right to organise and bargain collectively, non discrimination, minimum wage, working time limits, health and safety, training.

