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International Framework Agreement between Siemens AG, the Central Works Council of Siemens AG, the IG Metall and the IndustriAll Global Union



Date of signature

25 July 2012


Siemens AG, Central Works Council of Siemens AG, IG Metall / IndustriAll - Global Union

Key objectives

Joint committment to respect and promote the principles defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO and OECD guidelines.



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"Employees will be informed verbally or in writing of this agreement in accordance with the applicable statutory provisions and/or local customs. The regional business units must ensure that the agreement is also translated into additional languages where this is necessary for proper understanding."
" Responsibility for complying with the aforementioned principles rests with the Siemens regional business units. Consistent compliance with the obligations and principles of social responsibility at Siemens is monitored through internal company controlling mechanisms such as self-assessments."

Review and monitoring

" The “Verhandlungsdelegation” (Central Works Council negotiating team) has the task of supporting the worldwide implementation of the agreement and advising on suitable measures. This task includes pursuing serious reports and complaints that cannot be resolved through the local and national complaint and arbitration facilites in order to prevent external legal disputes. To this end the “Verhandlungsdelegation” meets with employees or employee representatives, after agreement with the company, once a year on an alternating rolling basis in the Metaclusters"

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"In the event of grievances, employees and employee representative bodies should first exhaust the internal and local/national complaint and arbitration facilities."

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights ,

Secondary topic(s)

Free choice of employment, non-discrimination, child labour, Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, appropriate wage, working time, health & safety, training, suppliers
