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International Framework Agreement between SAAB AB and employee representatives Organisations in Saab AB and IF Metall and Industri All Global Union



Date of signature

13 June 2012


CEO Saab AS, Sr Vice President, HR Saab AS, President of IF Metall, IF Metall Saab AS, Unionen Saab AS, Sveriges Ingenjorer Saab AS, Industri All Global

Key objectives

Keeping continuous improvement with sustainability a core concem at Saab
« All our activities - including the manufacture, distribution and sale of our products - must be conducted with respect and consideration for human rights, for human safety and health and for the environment. The agreement is based on Saab Code of Conduct, including those of the international Labour Organization and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. »


Termination upon 6 months notice

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

Management is responsible for implementing and informing employees of their rights, duties and responsibilities.

Review and monitoring

Reported on and discussed once per year with the employee union representatives of maximum 4 person, 2 IF Metall, 1 Unionen and 1 Sveriges Ingenjorer at a Saab executive management meeting.

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Conflict resolution
The parties are always entitled to initiate discussions and reports on incidents occurred.

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights ,

Secondary topic(s)

Laws and regulations, Child labor, Forced labor, Health and Safety, Non-discrimination, Harassment and abuse, Working hours, Compensation, Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, Environmental compliance
