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International Framework Agreement between Pfleiderer AG and IG Metall , Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) and the European Works Council



Date of signature

30 November 2010


Pfleiderer AG, IG Metall, Building and Wood Workers International (BWI), EWC

Key objectives

“The Pfleiderer group has wide-ranging responsibility- for the country and society in which it is operating, for the environment and naturally for its employees. Its outstanding position as one of the world’s leading manufacturers of wood materials is due primarily to the dedication and the performance of its staff.”


“This agreement shall continue to be valid until one of the parties serves notice to cancel, by providing written notification to the respective other party with a notice period of three calendar months to the end of the month, Cancellation is, however, possible as of 1 January 2015 at the earliest.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

Pfleiderer shall ensure implementation of the agreement at the different locations by taking suitable measures. These include specifically:
• Information and explanation
• Integration in management systems and controlling
• Assigning responsibilities on site
• Inclusion in any applicable manuals and directives
• Inclusion in purchasing instructions and agreements with suppliers, wherever possible
• Establishing obligation to report to executive board and local management
• Inclusion in the internal international audit plan; audits will in this regard take place in cooperation with local employee representatives/unions”

“Pfleiderer informs the company staff regarding this agreement in the relevant national language.”

Review and monitoring

"A PASOC-Monitoring-Committee (OMC) will be set up, consisting of 3 representatives of the Pfleiderer group, one representative of the relevant member unions of the BWI in the home country of the company (currently IG Metall), one BWI coordinator and an employee representative designated by the European Works Council of Pfleiderer AG from the home at the domicile of the company to review reports on compliance with the agreement and its practical implementation. All members of PMC shall be provided with the information necessary for carrying out their assignment (monitoring and audit reports)."

“PMC shall issue a biennial report on the present agreement which shall be incorporated in the management report and the sustainability report of the Pfleiderer group with the consent of the undersigned parties to the agreement.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“In the event of some complaints or breach of this agreement, the following procedure will be followed:
a) The complaint is the first discussed between the local employee representatives and the local management.
b) If the matter cannot be rectified within the company in this way, it will be referred to the relevant trades union, which shall then discuss the matter with the company.
c) If no solution is found, the PASOC-Monitoring-Committee will investigate the matter and propose suitable remedial action.
d) If the conflict also cannot be resolved within the PMC and breaches of the agreement continue, cancellation of the agreement will be considered the final option.
e) The undersigned parties to the agreement agree that any differences that may arise from interpretation or implementation of this agreement will be examined jointly with a view to obtaining clarity in the matter.”

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

right to organise and bargain collectively, trade union recognition (neutral position), forced labour, child labour, discrimination, equal treatment irrespective to form of employment, appropriate remuneration, incentives, working time limits, health and safety, sustainability, vocational training, job security, direct employment (including subcontractors), restructuring.
