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International Framework Agreement between AG Electrolux and employee representatives of IF metal, Unionen, IMF and the AB Electrolux Board of Directors



Date of signature

15 December 2010


AB Electrolux, IMF, IF Metall, Unionen

Key objectives

“All our activities – including the manufacture, distribution and sale of our products – must be conducted with respect and consideration for human rights, for human safety and health and for the environment. The agreement is based on universal standards of business practice, including those of the International Labour Organisation and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Management is responsible for implementing and informing employees of their rights, duties and responsibilities under this International Framework Agreement and Electrolux Workplace Code of Conduct.”
“The Electrolux Workplace Code of Conduct is applicable to all location and units within the Electrolux Group, and compliance is required of our suppliers.”

Review and monitoring

“In incidents of non-compliance, employees are encouraged and expected to report this to relevant internal officers or the Electrolux employee hotline, and are assured that there will be no retaliation or other negative consequences.”
“Implementation and compliance with these provisions will be reported on and discussed once per year with the employee representatives (KFD) of the AB Electrolux Board of Directors. Once representative each from ILO and PTK will participate in the committee monitoring compliance of this International Framework Agreement and the Electrolux Code of Conduct. The parties are always entitled to initiate discussion and reports on incidents occurred. For this purpose both parties can involve external expertise should this so be required.
In case of substantial changes in the Electrolux Workplace Code of Conduct the KFD representatives have the right to initiate negotiations regarding this Agreement.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Electrolux Workplace Code of Conduct

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

child labour, forced labour, non discrimination, right to organise and bargain collectively, health and safety, working time limits, sustainability.
