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International framework agreement-Besix



Date of signature

14 December 2017


CEO and members of the corporate management including BU managers, BWI, EWC Secretary and Belgium unions representatives

Key objectives

The agreement ""has the sole purpose to promote and protect the well-being of all employees and workers employed.
This Agreement illustrates the interest that BESIX has for fair labour standards of lts employees and workers regardless of age, disability, gender, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin), religion, political opinion or belief.
lt furthermore illustrates the willingness of BESIX to work in open and transparent cooperation with BWI and its organizations promoting well-being, be it on a local or international front.""


indefinite term

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

not defined

Review and monitoring

" A reference group shall be set up, composed of at least the BESIX Group HR Director and the BESIX Group CSR Offlcer as well as one representative of each concerned BWI affiliated union(s) in Belgium, and of one representative of the EWC, and a BWI coordinator. lt will meet once a year, or when necessary, to evaluate reports on compliance and to review the implementation of the Agreement. If needed, technical experts can and will be invited by the members of the reference group.
The reference group's role will be:
• To discuss and update on the latest development, policy, and structural changes, and other areas which will impact the working conditions of BESIX employees and workers;
• Ta keep an on-going dialogue on labour relations within BESIX.

The reference group can conduct one monitoring visit of one project site of BESIX ta assess the situation on the ground ln the implementation of the principles of this Agreement. The cost of the monitoring visit should be negotiated by the Parties.

All signatory parties recognize that effective local monitoring of this Agreement must involve the local management, the workers and their potential representatives, health and safety representatives and potential acknowledged local trade unions.

To enable local and national union representatives of BWI affiliated unions ta play a role ln the monitoring process, they will be given adequate time for training and involvement ln the monitoring process, with sufficient prior warning and at no cost to BESIX.
Once BESIX Group is informed and provides consent, lt will ensure that they are provided with information, access to workers, and rights of Inspection necessary to effectively monitor compliance with this Agreement."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"Any complaint needs to be addressed and handled by the local management of BESIX.
If local management cannot salve the problem, then it goes ta the national level, involving national trade union(s) and the BESIX country management if any.

ln case the complaint cannot be handled at the company, local or national level, the complaint will be communicated to the BESIX Group Chief Human Resources Director and the BESIX Group Corporate Social Responsibility Offlcer.

If the issue remains unresolved, it will be referred to the reference group, for discussion at the next scheduled meeting, or before depending on the urgency of the incident.

If the Issue remains unresolved, the parties may jointly decide to involve a third­ party facilitator. This facilitator will be chosen jointly by all the members of the Agreement."

Related texts

Besix Group Code of Conduct

Main topic

fundamental labour rights

Secondary topic(s)

freedom of association, forced labour, discrimination, migrants workers, child labour, fair remuneration, work and rest periods, health and safety, skills development, service providers, suppliers and subcontractors.
