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Group Memorandum of Agreement on Professions and Competences Forecast and Management within the Areva Group in Europe


Date of signature

01 April 2011


AREVA Senior Executive Vice President HR, Deputy Secretary General European Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF)

Key objectives

“Consequently the parties, AREVA and the EMF, through this Framework Agreement on the Anticipation and Development of Competencies wish to contribute to a satisfying, rich, and diversified professional life for all while integrating the company’s need for adaptation and change. […]”“The contents of this agreement will help to empower each and every employee in the development of their careers throughout their professional lives whilst working for the group.”


3 years
“This agreement is valid for a period of 3 years starting from the date of signature.
It shall be tacitly renewed for three years, unless denounced by one of the signatory parties through prior notification at least 6 months before the end of a three-year term.”

Applicable law

Non defined

Implementation and dissemination

“One means to help the employees to manage their professional career while replying to the company's need of adaptation, is the creation of national AREVA Professions and Competences Councils.
Moreover the parties agree to the development of a project to implement the present agreement, along the same lines as ODEO.
Consequently the deployment of this agreement will be assured by the project FACES (Forecasting and Anticipating Competences in Europe through Social Dialogue) which will bring together employee representatives, management and Human resources on-site, on a regional, transnational and European level, concrete action plans will be jointly developed and deployed. The main theme of the project will be the articulation and needs of the different generations, now present in the workplace, in their career development and expectations.”
“After signing the Agreement, the group’s social partners of each country covered by the agreement will meet in order to decide on a local implementation plan.
Once the Agreement signed, group's social partners will engage to elaborate a project which will permit its implementation that will reinforce the collaboration between staff representatives, management, Human resources and employees as well as a better anchoring of the agreement at site level. The social dialogue will be even more successful.”

“The agreement will be translated into the languages of the countries represented on the AREVA European works Council, by authorised translators.”
“Detailed communication will be developed towards all employees and entities in the different countries with the view to promote the agreement.”

Review and monitoring

“In order to monitor progress and implementation of the agreement and the specific objectives defined by this agreement, the signatory parties agree on the following:
Setting up a monitoring committee composed of the AREVA management and the European Works Council Select Committee, which will assess the implementation of the agreement and will monitor the national implementation plans. Recommendations can be made by the monitoring committee.
Every year, the AREVA management and the European Works Council Select Committee will present and debate the results of the evaluation to the European Metalworkers Federation.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Agreement on Equal Opportunities within the AREVA Group in Europe (2006)
ODEO Open Dialogue through Equal Opportunities – Amendment of the agreement on equal opportunities within the Areva Group in Europe (2010)

Main topic

Anticipation of employment and skills needs,

Secondary topic(s)

strategic social dialogue at different levels, training, mobility, skills transfer, work/life balance.
