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Group agreement on the harmonisation of the variable remuneration of Senior Managers within the EADS Group



Date of signature

28 November 2011


EADS N.V., DLRH KBR (Germany), CFDT, CFE-CGC, CFTC, CGT and FO (France), CC.OO, MCA-UGT (Spain), UNITE the Union (UK), EWC President &andVicé-president

Key objectives

Establish a framework for local negotiations dealing with variable remuneration of senior executives


"This agreement may be terminated by one of the signatory parties at any time. In this case, renegociation must be undertaken within six months following receipt of the termination notice. The provisions of this agreement remain applicable throughout the duration of the renegociation and, in case of failure to reach an agreement, for a period of 12 months from the statement of disagreement. "

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

This agreement applies and is mandatory in all four Divisions of the Group to all companies with more than 10 Senior Managers, of which EADS holds more than half the capital and which are located in one of the four following countries ; German, Spain, France and the UK. Other companies majority-owned by EADS, but employing 10 or less Senior Managers or which are located outside the four countries mentionned above, may apply to provisions of this Agreement by decision of the Division to which they belong of by EADS for companies which are directly part of the Group. "

Review and monitoring

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Related texts

Agreement of 28 September 2012 concerning the labour negociation procedure at European Level.

Main topic


Secondary topic(s)

Annual amount of variable compensation.
