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Suez Environnement Group agreement on fundamental principles regarding health and safety


Suez Environnement

Date of signature

23 February 2010


CEO of GDF Suez, EPSU, Special Negotiation Group composed of the national trade union organisations of the following countries: France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, Romania, Italy, Spain, Norway, Poland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Hungary.

Key objectives

“The signatories of this agreement resolve to define the fundamental principles regarding Health and Safety at work within GDF SUEZ companies.”
“This agreement reflects the group’s determination, which goes beyond complying with legal obligations, to fulfil its responsibilities towards the various stakeholders.
It is complemented by a medium-term action plan setting detailed objectives and actions for deploying this agreement as well as the Group Rules.”


“The agreement is entered for an unlimited period.”

Applicable law

French Labour Code

Implementation and dissemination

“Locally in each entity, committees on health and safety at work, made up of employee representatives or trade union organisations according to country and management representatives with the support of occupational doctors and of experts in the field of health and safety, monitor health and safety results, and are involved in identifying hazardous situations, planning, and following up on preventive measures.”
“The group undertakes to support each entity in setting up its own management system, based on the Policy’s principles, on continuous improvement and on the assessment and treatment of risks relating to its activities.”

Dissemination - filing
“In accordance with the provisions of the Labour Code, the Agreement shall be filed at the Paris Departmental Directorate for Labour and Employment (“DDTE”) and the registry of the Paris Industrial Court (“Conseil de Prud’hommes”). Paris.”

Review and monitoring

“The Health and Safety Management Committee is responsible for monitoring the Agreement in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 2.3. It shall be up to the Health and Safety Management Committee to define the indicators as well as the terms to monitor and control.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“Questions relating to the interpretation of this agreement are the sole prerogative of the above-mentioned monitoring committee.”

Related texts

GDF agreement on social responsibility (2008)
European group agreement relating to the employment and expertise plan (2010)
Global agreement on fundamental rights, social dialogue and sustainable development (2010)

Main topic

Health and safety,

Secondary topic(s)

joint risk assessment, training, involvement of management and employees.
