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Group agreement Employment and Expertise Plan (GPEC) - Suez



Date of signature

3 July 2007


CEO of Suez, Bureau of the European Consultative Committee, European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), European Confederation of Managers (CEC), national organisations: CFDT, CFTC, CFE-CGC, CGT, CGT-FO

Key objectives

“This European framework agreement defines the principles for implementing an Employment and Expertise Plan (GPEC) within European subsidiary companies of SUEZ.”
“The employment and expertise plan (GPEC) is a strategic consideration in keeping with the company’s strategic plan. This human resources engineering programme, which consists of designing, implementing and managing policies and practices aimed at reducing the differences between the company’s requirements and resources both on a quantitative (workforce) and qualitative (skills) level. It comprises a double dimension: collective and individual.” (Preamble)


“The agreement is reached for an unlimited period.” (Article 8.3. Taking effect and duration of the Agreement)

Applicable law

French Labour code (revision)

Implementation and dissemination

“This text constitutes an agreement to directly apply in all the companies included in the scope of article 1.1 above, implementing the principles declared below within a time scale of one year at most from the date of signature of this agreement.
SUEZ companies at the highest level of negotiation with the Trade Union organisations, or failing this, the staff representative bodies, may enter into negotiations/discussions in order to complete and adapt the content, either at the initiative of management or of the Trade Union organisations, and failing this, of staff representative bodies (Works Committee, Works Council or equivalent) within the same period of one year from the date of signature of the present agreement.
“Implementation of this agreement will be facilitated by suitable resources.”

“In accordance with the provisions of article L. 132-10 of the Employment Code, the agreement shall be deposited with the Paris ""Direction départementale du travail et de l'emploi"" (DDTE - Departmental Work and Employment Management) and the legal clerk of the Paris ""Conseil de Prud’hommes"".

Review and monitoring

“Representatives of the SUEZ European Consultative Committee (the ECC) will be responsible for monitoring the agreement through the intermediary of the ECC Bureau.
For the purposes for implementing the agreement and particularly in the event of amending a provision, additional members may also be made responsible for monitoring it.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“Questions of interpretation relating to the agreement are the sole prerogative of the monitoring committee mentioned above.”

Related texts

International Social Charter - Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux (1998)
Charter Health and Safety at Work (2002)
Group Social Dynamics - Agreement on Employee Ownership Scheme (2007)
Group Social Dynamics - Agreement on Commitment to promoting equality and diversity within the Group (2007)
Agreement on social guarantees for Suez Group employees (2008)

Main topic

Anticipation of employment skills needs ,

Secondary topic(s)

strategic social dialogue at several levels, forecast procedures, training, equal opportunity, mobility, restructuring, age (arduous work).
