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Global Health and Safety Agreement - Orange



Date of signature

21 November 2014


Deputy Group CEO in charge of HR, Uni Global Union, Orange Union Alliance and Uni affiliated French union organisations (CGT, CFDT, FO)

Key objectives

« The purpose of this agreement is to help to incorporate health and safety in everything the Groupdoes, based on:
- a participatory approach that includes all stakeholders and an innovative social dialogue in the area of health and safety that helps to improve what is already there
- the definition of a common set of principles on health and safety in the workplace with
specific consideration in terms of healthcare coverage in the African region where the
Group is an operator
using a continuous improvement approach to implement an occupational health and safety management system in all Group companies
- non-discrimination in terms of employee health and a particular focus on population groups whose state of health makes them vulnerable (pregnant women, the disabled, people living with HIV/AIDS, etc.)
encouraging any initiative to participate in health protection programmes that are specially adapted to local cultures and practices
a level of prevention and protection for its service providers and subcontractors in
accordance with Group requirements, as defined in Chapter 4. »



Applicable law

"The agreement will be lodged at the Paris DIRECCTE (French labour administration, nlrd)"

Implementation and dissemination

The H&S local committees will contribute to the design of H&S policy action plans based on 4 main themes: 1/risk identification 2/ diagnosis on work accidents, professional related illnesses and dangerous situations in order to put forward corrective action proposals 3/ studies on targeted local H&S related action 4/ proposals for public health campaigns. Committee members will receive the appropriate training to fulfil the requirements of the position.
"This agreement will therefore be translated from French into English, Polish and Spanish, presented to Human Resources networks and managers and will be subject to communication and
publication on Group intranets.
The Group commits to organising a meeting within a period of one year with the UNI-Orange Global Union Alliance for the Africa zone and with local Human Resources departments in order to discuss adoption of the major principles governing this agreement."

Review and monitoring

« Orange and UNI monitor this agreement by means of one or two annual meetings at a specific
place between management and the UNI-Orange Global Union Alliance. Monitoring of this agreement will be based on the state of play defined in Article 1 of Chapter 2 and on annual quantitative and qualitative indicators fed back by the countries »

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Global agreement on fundamental labour rights

Main topic

Health and safety,

Secondary topic(s)

social dialogue on H&S topics, access to health care in health centers, public health, HIV/AIDS and pandemics, medical monitoring, well-being, occupational Health and Safety Management System, minimum healthcare coverage in Africa.
