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Global framework agreement on international industrial relations and CSR - ENI



Date of signature

06 July 2016


CEO, IndustriALL Global, Italian trade unions (Filctem CGIL, Femca CISL, Uiltec UIL)

Key objectives

"With this agreement, and in compliance with the Industrial Relations agreements they have signed at the national and international levels and under the auspices of the European Works Council, the signatory Parties recognize the inalienable human rights of all individuals, without distinction, by virtue of their belonging to humankind. They also recognize that the principles of the fundamental Conventions of the ILO (International Labour Organization), the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises constitute the right tools for practising responsible, ethical and moral correct behaviour in business operations. This global framework agreement covers Eni's all subsidiaries throughout the world."


3 years

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"To assure application of the aforementioned principles and Conventions, the Parties commit to spread knowledge of the values and agreements signed in this agreement inside and outside Eni. In this regard, Eni confirms its intention to pursue adequate methods for providing information and periodic consultation on the presence and expansion of Eni around the world and to develop a dialogue on the social and economic effects of those activities.

To encourage greater dissemination of information and without prejudice to the particular confidentiality of certain topics that are discussed, the company will consider the possibility of disseminating the materials illustrated during the annual meeting, as indicated at item 6 of this agreement report, by using internal company information systems and other means."

Review and monitoring

"To assure constant social dialogue with Company Management on issues related to the aforementioned agreement, the position of Coordinator designated jointly by the Labour Organizations signing this agreement is established."" ""In view of promoting the system of information, consultation and dialogue with the Labour Organizations signing this agreement, an annual meeting shall be held with the General and National Secretaries of FILCTEM CGIL, FEMCA CISL, UILTEC UIL, the General Secretary of IndustriALL Global Union, the Coordinator and the delegated units of Eni representing its business units, inter alia.

Moreover, to facilitate ever-wider dissemination of the principles and procedures implementing the agreement, facilitating access to information on corporate social responsibility issues, the initiatives that Eni undertakes in that regard, and to permit greater involvement of local representatives, it is agreed that a delegation of the workers' representatives will also be allowed to participate at the annual meeting".

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"In the event of situations that diverge from or violate what has been agreed, the Parties shall promptly notify each other. Once the facts have been ascertained, Eni will intervene to eliminate any anomalous situations and notify the Labour Organizations and the Coordinator as envisaged at item 5.1 of this agreement report."

Related texts

International framework agreements (2002, 2004, 2009)

Main topic

fundamental labour rights

Secondary topic(s)

non-discrimination, gender equality, equal opportunity, maternity protection, business ethics, respect of stake holders, health and safety, forced labour prohibition, trade union rights, global works council, suppliers.
