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Global Framework Agreement on fundamental labour rights within Danske Bank Group


Danske Bank

Date of signature

09 September 2008


Danske Bank Group, Uni Global Union, Uni Finance, representatives of national unions IBOA (IRE), Finansforbundet (N), Finansförbundet (S), SUORA (FI), DFL (DK), Finansforbundet (DK)

Key objectives

""This group wide implementation of Danske Bank Group’s business model is accompanied by an awareness of its impact and the associated responsibility - which translates into Danske Bank Group’s commitment to live up to its stated ambition of being a contributor to the societies in which it operates. Thus, it is within this framework that Danske Bank Group has developed its strategy for corporate responsibility.""



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“In companies where Danske Bank Group has a significant presence without exercising direct control, the signatories undertake to promote the present agreement and to encourage its implementation, while respecting the independence of those companies.”

“This agreement shall be made known to all the staff of the entities of Danske bank Group and will be communicated to the management team of all the subsidiaries concerned.”

Review and monitoring

"Monitoring of the agreement and regular progress reports will be provided by the signatories in meetings between Danske Bank Group management and UNI - Global Union, such meetings to be held with an agreed frequency. Reporting on the cooperation will be based on the regular reporting from Danske Bank Group, including employee surveys and CR reporting.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlements:
"Conflict Resolution. Should UNI - Global Union or one of the unions represented and recognised within Danske Bank Group consider that this agreement or one of its principles is not applied in one of the Groups entities, they undertake to contact Danske Bank Group management before any outside communication so that the necessary discussions and actions can take place - based on the principle that a local solution should be sought.”

Related texts

Not defined

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

right to organise and to bargain collectively, constructive negotiation, social dialogue, non discrimination, equal opportunities, diversity, international mobility, training, wage and incentives, working time, implementation of group-wide HR policy (social dialogue), anticipation of changes.
