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Global framework agreement on developping life at work - Renault



Date of signature

9 July 2019


CEO, General secretary of IndustriAll Global, national trade unions

Key objectives

"This new agreement, entitled “Building the world of work together at Renault Group”, will complement the Global Framework Agreement signed on 2 July 2013 “Committing together for sustainable growth and development”, which already contains two key prerequisites for employee development: “Actions regarding health, safety and quality of life in the workplace” and “Promotion of diversity”. It describes a sustainable dynamic that goes beyond the issue of working conditions, enabling the mobilisation and development of current and future employees’ potential, being a real source of commitment for everyone."


Applicable law

"This agreement is subject to French law."

Implementation and dissemination

"Information and discussion sessions regarding its implementation, which local members of the Works Council may take part in, will be organised at the country level, with the Human
Resources Directors who are in charge of overseeing the application of this agreement in their respective countries and institutions. Specific awareness raising and training initiatives on the topics mentioned in the agreement will be deployed."

"At the local level, dialogue between management representatives, the members of the Renault Group Works Council, representative trade unions and/or employee representatives makes it possible to exchange on priority action plans and the means of their implementation. This dialogue sets the conditions for the negotiation of specific local agreements."
"Exchange workshops, jointly prepared with the select committee of the Group Works Council, facilitating the adoption of the themes developed in this agreement, may be organised at the plenary session following the signing of said agreement."

Review and monitoring

"Follow-up meetings of both global framework agreements are organised locally with local function experts members of the Renault Group Works Council, representative trade unions and/or employee representatives."

"In the months following the signature of this agreement, indicators will be defined with the signatories; these may include and/or complement the implementation indicators used for the global framework agreement of 2013. Particular attention will be given to the articles that may apply to employees of exterior companies working on a Group site.
A follow-up meeting to review the progress of the global framework agreement of 2013 will be held each year, at the plenary session, with the members of the Renault Group Works Council and the IndustriALL Global Union representative. These meetings will focus on establishing best practices to promote the large-scale deployment of local initiatives.
Finally, the annual activity programme of the select committee of the Groups Works Council will include trips to the site, fully dedicated to the implementation of this agreement. Depending on the circumstances, all or part of the restricted Works Council, as well as certain full members of the Renault Group Works Council, may take part. "

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"The signatories undertake to inform one another as soon as possible in the event of a difference of opinion as to the interpretation of or non-compliance with this agreement, in order to seek together an efficient and constructive solution in the interest of all parties, within a reasonable time frame. Local issues notified to the signatories shall firstly be handled within the context of local social dialogue. Renault undertakes to provide the right conditions for this kind of dialogue. If necessary, a solution may be sought at country, region, then Renault Group level. These discussions will be carried out based on the memorandum concluded in January 2018 in order to deal with potential difficulties and before any external communication by the signatories and the parties concerned by the dispute."

Related texts

Renault Global Framework Agreement

Main topic

well being at work,

Secondary topic(s)

Dialogue on the evolution of the world of work - Collaborative management system, - Sustainable commitment to inclusion, - Work-life balance, - Adaptation of the working environment.
