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Global framework agreement on Corporate social responsibility - Safran



Date of signature

4 December 2023


CEO, IndustriAll Global

Key objectives

" This global framework agreement was negotiated between Safran and IndustriAll Global Union, an international trade union federation, with a view to establishing an ongoing relationship between the parties and ensuring that the company complies with the same standards in all the countries where it operates, as specified in the analyses of the ILO Office.

The signatories wish to promote open and constructive labour relations worldwide in order to improve and develop their good working practices on all Safran sites. They undertake to ensure that the Group’s growth is managed according to its Corporate Social Responsibility policy and in compliance with the rights of its own employees and their representatives within the Group, as well as those of its suppliers and subcontractors around the world."


5 years

Implementation and dissemination

“The signatories agree to bring this Agreement to the attention of Group employees via their own communication channels.

Upon entry into force of this Agreement, the joint signature by IndustriALL Global Union and Safran shall be promoted via the appropriate means of communication. It shall be communicated to all the employees, elected staff representatives and/or trade union organisations of the different companies, and to suppliers and subcontractors falling under the scope of the Agreement.

Within three months of signature of the Agreement, particular attention will be paid to the promotion and implementation of this Agreement. This shall involve:

- translation into the language of all countries where Safran is present and has at least 50 employees,

- mapping of the sites, including at least the following information: location, type of site, number of employees and, if applicable, staff representation structure(s),

- production and distribution of a memo regarding the Agreement for Managers and Human Resources,

- production and distribution via the intranet of materials for managers and employees, highlighting the main points of the Agreement,

- provision of the Agreement to employees, as part of the Group’s social policy, by any means appropriate to the local context,

- integration into the Responsible Purchasing Charter of the commitments of this Agreement that concern suppliers and subcontractors so that they are aware of them,

-  appending to this Agreement the Safran Ethics Charter and Code of Conduct.

Within twelve months of signature of the Agreement, training will be prepared with the monitoring committee and delivered to employees with local, national or European mandates, staff representatives and/or trade union representatives. This training will cover the Agreement and the processes supported by this Agreement.

The Agreement shall also be published on the signatories’ websites. Furthermore, the management of both Safran and IndustriALL Global Union must identify the local contacts in each country responsible for its implementation.”

Review and monitoring

" This Agreement shall be monitored by a global monitoring committee organised by representatives of the Group management team and comprising Safran employee representatives of the unions affiliated with IndustriALL Global Union and representing their continent or country, appointed as follows:

  • 1 from IndustriALL Global Union
  • 4 from France
  • 1 from the rest of Europe
  • 2 from America
  • 1 from Africa
  • 1 from Asia

IndustriALL Global Union has the option of suggesting to Safran Management one or two external guests from among the members of affiliated unions, this request being motivated by the light that these guests could shed on a specific subject at the agenda (…).

The annual time credit for each Safran member of the Global CSR Framework Agreement Monitoring Committee is 25 hours (…).

The objective of monitoring is to:

- promote and ensure the conditions for implementation of the Agreement,

- analyse enforcement and assess results,

- draw up action plans where deviations are observed,

- identify good practices and proactively propose measures to promote them in the short, medium and long term,

- identify possible variations and make recommendations (…).

Said global monitoring committee will meet twice a year with a one-day meeting, excluding travel, to review application of the Agreement in all its components, if possible, during first half of the year. An additional annual meeting (minimum one day, excluding travel) will be organised in a zone or country where the Group is established in order to look at all these monitoring points from a local perspective. This meeting will include a socio- economic introduction to the country by an expert, a factory visit and an activity aimed at promoting this Agreement to the local workforce, their representatives, the local management team and other relevant stakeholders. In this case, the local correspondent(s) for the area where the meeting is to be held may take part. (…)”

The application of this Agreement will be measured using ad hoc indicators which may be reviewed, and are appended to this Agreement, as part of a continuous improvement process.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"Safran is committed to guaranteeing the protection of whistleblowers. The whistleblowing system set up by Safran is available to the Group’s employees and stakeholders. Any information submitted by an employee regarding difficulties in interpreting this Agreement or doubts as to its proper application shall in no way be detrimental to the Group.

Insofar as is possible, the fast resolution of local issues at local level is a basic principle of this Agreement.

In the event of a dispute as to the interpretation or application of, or non-compliance with, the agreement, the signatories undertake to inform each other as soon as possible in order to cooperate in seeking an effective and constructive solution in the interests of all parties through dialogue within a reasonable period of time. These discussions must take place prior to any external communication by either party concerning the dispute.

In the event that an employee or other person involved claims that this Agreement is not being respected, the following procedure shall apply:

- For local problems, every effort shall be made to resolve the issue locally. If they so wish, an employee may be assisted by a representative of a local trade union organisation.

- If a problem arising from the implementation or interpretation of this Agreement cannot be resolved locally, it will then be referred to the attention of the national level of the trade union organisation and the General Management of the Group.

- If the issue persists, the dispute may be referred to the global monitoring committee. However, a period of at least four (4) weeks following referral to national level must be respected.

- In the event of a dispute that cannot be resolved by bringing the matter before the representatives of Safran Management and IndustriAll Global Union management, the parties agree to the possibility of submitting the trade union dispute to the ILO’s “Company- Union Dialogue service” at the request of either party.

- If no agreement is reached between the parties, legal competence may be exercised.

- From the time a dispute arises, there is a three-month time limit for settlement.

- Legal action may only be considered if the implementation of the above steps has not resolved the dispute concerning the application of the Agreement.”

Related texts

European framework agreement for developing skills and career paths ( renewed in 2021)
European framework agreement for professional integration of young people 2017-2022


forced labour, child labour, freedom of association, right to collective bargaining, unions rights, sustainable development, diversity and non discrimination, social protection floor, personal development and skills qualifications, fight against corruption and conflicts of interest, decent living conditions, changes anticipation, health and safety, digital transformation, combatting climate change and just transition,  suppliers and subcontractors
