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Global Framework Agreement between Norsk Hydro ASA , IndustriAll Global Union, Fellesforbundet and IndustriEnergi for the the development of good working relations


Norsk Hydro

Date of signature

15 March 2011 (renewed 7 September 2016)


Norsk Hydro ASA, IndustriAll Global Union, Fellesforbundet, IndustriEnergi

Key objectives

“ The purpose of this Agreement is to create an open channel of information between the Parties about industrial relation issues in order to continuously improve and develop good work practices in Hydro’s worldwide operations.”


2 years“This Agreement shall be valid for a period of 2 years, after which it may be prolonged or renegotiated.”

Applicable law

Non defined

Implementation and dissemination

“b) The parties acknowledge that monitoring this Agreement will involve the local management, workers, their representatives, health and safety representatives and local trade unions.
c) Within the context of Hydro’s operations at the local level and national law and practice, unions or employee representatives shall have the right to inform their respective members of the workforce of the provisions of this Agreement.
d) Hydro supports and encourages its contractors, suppliers and customers to take the principles set out in this Agreement into consideration when developing or implementing their own corporate policies.”

“The Norwegian Union Partners and IMF/ICEM will distribute copies of this agreement to all their members unions that organise employees in Hydro’s companies worldwide. Hydro will make this agreement available to all Hydro companies, partners and contractors.”

Review and monitoring

“The Parties agree to meet annually at a mutually convenient time and location, to review the principles, practice, effectiveness, and impact of the agreement. The aim shall be to exchange views regarding the current situation, and jointly develop further good working relations in Hydro. No party shall be obliged to engage in periodic reporting or required to meet more often than once a year with respect to this Agreement.
The Parties shall designate their own representatives for participation in this meeting.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“ In the event of a complaint arising under this Agreement the following procedure will normally apply:
a) The complaint should be raised with the local site management. Both parties shall encourage and promote a local resolution pursuant to national law and practice.
b) If the complaint is not resolved with local management, it may be referred to the appropriate national union who will raise the issue with Hydro at the national or regional level
c) If still unresolved, the complaint will be referred to the IMF/ICEM head offices, which will raise the matter with the company’s Corporate Management. The Parties agree to engage in a dialogue regarding the complaint and if necessary, agree upon appropriate measures.
d) After this process has been exhausted, failure to reach a consensus will mean a termination of this agreement
e) The Parties agree that neither the Parties nor third parties may derive or enforce any legal rights under this agreement.”

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

freedom of association and right to bargain collectively, non discrimination, forced Labour, child Labour, health and safety, wages, working time limits, permanent employment and temporary work, training, sustainability.
