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Global framework Agreement - TK Elevator


TK Elevator

Date of signature

25 November 2020


management board, German group works council, IG Metall, IndustriAll Global Union

Key objectives

"On this basis, the TKE management, the group works council, IG Metall, and IndustriALL Global Union document in this Framework Agreement basic goals and principles for working together in the spirit of social responsibility. It is in the interests of all involved that TKE remains competitive, innovative and economically successful in the short, medium and long term, and does so in harmony with its social responsibility. The social partners intend to preserve the basis for this. "


Indefinite duration

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"Responsibility for implementation lies with the central management and managements of the subsidiaries. Awareness shall be raised among those responsible and the employee representatives shall be involved in this process. TKE shall ensure that this Framework Agreement is translated into the eight most spoken languages. "

Review and monitoring

""To provide additional supervision and facilitate the regular exchange of information on the observance and implementation of this Agreement, a so-called International Committee shall be established. The Executive Board member responsible for human resources and/or the responsible member of the corporate function Legal, Compliance & Labor Relations of TK Elevator GmbH shall report to the International Committee on a regular basis at its meetings on the basis of suitable documents on the implementation and observance of the Framework Agreement. ""

Dispute settlement and sanctions

""In cases of conflict, those affected shall first contact the responsible person on site (in particular supervisor representative of the HR department, responsible employee representative, if appropriate compliance manager). In the event that a matter is not resolved by the responsible local contact persons, information about possible infringements of the provisions of this Framework Agreement can be reported by affected parties via a company internal and strictly confidential communication channel. Individuals who report infringements shall not suffer any disadvantages.

For all complaints and infringements of this Agreement not resolved at local level, a reporting process shall be installed which shall be handled on a strictly confidential basis exclusively by the corporate function Legal, Compliance & Labor Relations. A separate process description of this reporting system is described in Annex 1 to this Agreement.

In response to justified complaints, the responsible directors or management board members, if appropriate with the involvement of the responsible person at regional headquarters, shall take the necessary steps to remedy the situation. In doing so, they and the employees and employee representatives shall exhaust all possibilities for conflict resolution on site.

In the event of complaints or information that cannot be resolved through local mediation, TK Elevator GmbH shall investigate the information with the involvement of the central management and the International Committee. ""

Related texts

Main topic

fundamental rights at work

Secondary topic(s)
