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UniCredit Global framework agreement



Date of signature

22 January 2019


Group CEO, General Secretary of Uni Global

Key objectives

""The parties want to use this global agreement to strengthen their dialogue regarding human rights and fundamental labour rights, in particular the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, in order to support the pursuit of sustainable growth of UniCredit’s activities and satisfactory working conditions for UniCredit’s employees.""


2 years, renewable by tacit reconduction

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"The parties will communicate this agreement and commitment to its principles to all their respective organisations and structures and will both be responsible for implementing the agreement in good faith. UniCredit will publish this agreement on its website and communicate it to national and local managers, as well as UNI affiliates in the different countries where UniCredit operates."

Review and monitoring

"The parties agree that a joint Central Monitoring Committee responsible for implementing the agreement will meet once a year to discuss progress made in the implementation of the agreement."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"The parties agree to a consensual dispute resolution process and shall make all efforts to resolve matters through consultation. Specific problems of employees or local disputes about collective bargaining shall be dealt with and governed by local conflict resolution procedures. If a complaint about this agreement cannot be resolved by the relevant national or regional manager, UNI may raise the question with UniCredit’s Director of Industrial Relations. An open and transparent inquiry shall then take place without delay. If the question is still not resolved, it can be referred to the Central Monitoring Committee. (...) In the event that the parties cannot resolve a conflict regarding the implementation of this agreement after discussions during the meeting of the monitoring committee, it may be submitted, by mutual agreement, to a mediator. "

Related texts

Main topic

human rights at work

Secondary topic(s)

sexual harassment, responsible sales
