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Esprit Global framework agreement



Date of signature

13 April 2028


Managing directors, IndustriAll Global Union

Key objectives

""1.3 This Agreement recognises the crucial role that freedom of association and collective bargaining play in developing well-functioning industrial relations. Accordingly, it is appropriate to establish a framework for engagement with trade union organisations, which represent the workers within the textile, footwear and apparel supply chain.""


The agreement will be reviewed within 2 years of the date of this agreement.

Applicable law

This global framework agreement (GFA) is governed in line with relevant legislation in Germany. ln case of any disagreement related to the implementation or interpretation of this agreement, the signatories will have the possibility to bring the case to the competent judiciary body in Germany, notwithstanding the place of execution of the agreement and/or the intercession of a third party.

Implementation and dissemination

The parties commit to ""Developing mechanisms involving lndustriALL Global Union affiliates and Esprit staff at country level to drive implementation of the agreement;Developing a strategy to develop an enabling environment for freedom of association and collective bargaining; Designing and implementing grievance mechanisms to ensure workers' access to remedy; lmplementing a training programme for workers and factory managers, as well as Suppliers, to create an enabling environment for freedom of association and to build sustainable internai dialogue in factories;
Jointly develop a methodology to penodically assess the impact of purchasing practices at the worker level of the supply chain.""

Review and monitoring

"A joint group shall meet twice a year, either in person or via teleconference as the Parties deem and agree to be appropriate, to review the implementation of this Agreement and any related issues. The members of this joint group shall consist of representatives of Esprit, lndustriALL Global Union including the Director of Textile, Garment, Leather and Shoe sector and as and when necessary, representatives from the relevant regions of lndustriALL Global Union and Esprit. This group shall, amongst other things:
Promote industrial relations best practice within the Esprit supply chain;
Establish reporting mechanisms for violations of the terms of the Agreement as outlined in Annex 1 and 2;
Define and refine methods for intervening and resolving disputes in the sector;
Undertake research into specific issues;
Oversee the development of Supplier policies on freedom of association;
Oversee the development of training programmes;
Define a country specific implementation process for this Agreement."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"6.2 Questions concerning the interpretation of this Agreement shall be resolved through consultation between the signatories. Every effort will be made to find common agreement but where this is not possible the Parties to this Agreement shall in appropriate instances seek the expert advice of the ILO or other mutually agreed upon neutral party. The Parties shall mutually agree to abide by the final recommendations of the ILO or mutually agreed upon party. "

Main topic

freedom of association, supply chain

Secondary topic(s)
