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Global Framework Agreement - Mizuno



Date of signature

15 November 2011


Mizuno Corporation President and Mizuno worker’s union President, ITGLWF President and General Secretary, UI ZENSEN President

Key objectives

"The purpose of this agreeement is to establish a global relationship among Mizuno Corporation, ITGLWF and the relevant affiliates, to promote the sound employment relationships within Mizuno Corporations and its relevant companies, to put in place mechanisms for the solution and reduction of conflitcts."



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

Not defined

Review and monitoring

All parties will meet regularly to exchange information on the implementation process.

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Conflict resolution
" In the event that a problem arises in regard to the implementation of this agreement, all parties will make most efforts among all the parties for immediate common resolution."

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights

Secondary topic(s)

Freedom of association, right to organize & to collective bargaining, forced labour, child labour, remuneration, discrimination
