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Global framework agreeement on the implementation of Labour standards throughout the Tchibo non food supply chain



Date of signature

27 September 2016


CEO, IndustriALL Global

Key objectives

"This Agreement aims to ensure the effective application of International Labour Standards throughout the Tchibo Non Food supply chain, with particular focus on strengthening the right to organise and to bargain collectively."


indefinite term

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"Tchibo and IndustriALL Global Union shall undertake to jointly develop, implement, monitor, and evaluate a strategy to strengthen the right to organise and bargain collectively throughout the Tchibo Non Food supply chain.

The Parties shall mutually define sub-strategies for the most important Tchibo buying markets as well as countries identified to be of strategic importance when aiming to strengthen the right to organise and bargain collectively in manufacturing industries. The Parties shall mutually agree on countries to prioritise. Based on the overall and country strategies, the Parties shall agree to mutually carry out activities which include, inter alia, but not limited to :
- Measures to create an enabling environment for mature industrial relations both on factory and on industry-wide level.
- Trust-building and capacity-building activities on a factory level including for factory owners, factory managers, workers, worker representatives, trade union members, and trade union representatives;
- lndustry-wide initiatives like the ACCORD on Building and Fire Safety in Bangladesh and ACT on Living Wages;
- Collaboration with companies in relevant industries which have also signed a Global Framework Agreement with lndustriALL Global Union.
- Joint approaches to governments to engage into a tripartite process jointly with other persons in charge from business and further stakeholders, identified and invited by the Parties' mutual agreement."

Review and monitoring

"IndustriALL Global Union shall review the strategy and implementation plan of the WE (Worldwide Enhancement of Social Quality) Programme as defined in Annex 2 hereto. Through their participation in the WE Advisory Committee, IndustriALL Global Union shall advise Tchibo on strengthening trade union rights within the WE Programme."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"Tchibo and IndustriALL Global Union cooperate with each other in confidence that together they can solve problems and issues that may arise in the implementation and monitoring of the measures as stipulated in this Agreement. Both Parties shall undertake to inform each other of any breach in connection with the enforcement of the Agreement, as soon as the breach is discovered, to enable the Parties to implement a remediation action plan without undue delay.
In case a local trade union affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union detects a potential breach regarding the enforcement of this Agreement within the Tchibo Non Food supply chain and its attempts to solve such breach have failed, it shall notify Tchibo and IndustriALL Global Union contact persons designated for such purposes.

Tchibo shall in consultation with IndustriALL Global Union assess and investigate the potential breach and shall, where needed, directly address the Tchibo Non Food suppliers and producers.

In case a breach regarding the enforcement of this Agreement has been confirmed, Tchibo and IndustriALL Global Union shall jointly develop and implement a remediation plan.

In case the Parties are unable to reach a mutual solution that is appropriate to remedy the breach and satisfactorily to the Parties, the Parties shall agree to seek the assistance of the ILO for mediation and dispute settlement. The Parties shall agree to abide by the final recommendations of the ILO."

Related texts

Main topic

fundamental labour rights in the supply chain

Secondary topic(s)

freedom of association et right to collective bargaining
