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Global Corporate Social Responsibility Agreement between Rhodia and ICEM



Date of signature

18 February 2011


CEO of Rhodia, Secretary General of ICEM

Key objectives

“Rhodia and ICEM (…) are creating a structure for information and reciprocal dialog and affirming their joint commitment to good industrial and labour practices anywhere in the world where the Company operates. (…)Both signatories to this agreement recognise that the internationally recognised standards and principles contained within this agreement will be applied at all Rhodia operations throughout the world, regardless of whether they are required by national law or regulations (…)”


3 years
“This agreement is renewed for a period of three years (…)
The agreement may be revised at any time by means of contractual amendment, with a view to adapting the agreement.
In the year preceding the agreement’s termination date, and no later than three months before this date, the signatories will meet to prepare an overall overview of the agreement’s application, with a view to is possible renewal.
Each signatory may withdraw from this agreement, provided it gives six months’ notice.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Rhodia pledges to provide management with copies of this agreement and to inform employees of its existence and the commitments it entails. This agreement will be translated into the language of the different countries concerned in the Agreement with ICEM and will be available on the Group’s website in the “sustainable development” section (…)
Rhodia and ICEM shall cooperate to ensure the best possible circulation and understanding of this Agreement by employee representatives, on its sites. In this respect, Rhodia will facilitate participation of these delegates in meetings that may be organised locally by ICEM to help develop the social dialogue required by this Agreement (…)”

Review and monitoring

“Rhodia and ICEM will carry out an annual review of this agreement on the basis of company indicators regarding the commitments stipulated in the Agreement (…)”
“Rhodia and ICEM will continuously monitor the correct application of the Agreement and in this respect they will carry out an assessment mission in a jointly defined country or zone.
Rhodia and ICEM will review the application of this agreement on a yearly basis.
Rhodia will draft an annual review assessing the application of this agreement based on the indicators selected (…)
The review will be sent to ICEM in sufficient time before the date scheduled for the annual review meeting.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“Rhodia and ICEM agree that they will be mutually available on an ongoing basis to inform each other of any problems encountered and to determine the best solutions.
Rhodia and ICEM both believe that problems are best resolved closest to the location at which they are occurring.”

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights, social dialogue,

Secondary topic(s)

child labour, forced labour, equal opportunities and non discrimination, freedom of association and right to bargain collectively, sustainability, ethics (corruption), health and safety, global safety panel, restructuring (job security), right to training and mobility/skill development, fair salary policy, benefits, information and consultation, civil dialogue.
