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Global Agreement IUF-UITA / Melia Hotels International S.A.



Date of signature

09 December 2013


CEO Melia Hotels International, Secretary General IUF UITA

Key objectives

"Melia is committed to ensuring that all employess have acces to the following fundamental rights, insofar as they comply with local law:
- equal treatment for men and women with regard to wages and working conditions for the same type of work
- no discrimination based on sex, language, ethnic origin, age, political opinion, religion or sexual orientation
- protect health and safety in the workplace through prevention and preventative measures"
"For the purposes of this agreement, Melia and IUF-UITA recognize and obligation in countries where Melia operates to respect all labour laws and regulations, along with the rights of workers to freedom of association and collective bargaining."



Applicable law

Implementation and dissemination

"The Melia management team will distribute copies of this agreement within its organization, translating this to English, and encouraging translation to local languages where appropriate through its local or regional teams. IUF-UITA will do the same (...). In the event that either party fails to fulfil its obligation to desseminate this throughout their organization, both parties agree to take immediate steps to correct the situation."

Review and monitoring

"The staging of the implementation will be by mutual agreement between Melia HR Management and the IUF-UITA International Secretariat after consultation with the representatives participating in the annual 'MELIA - IUF-UITA' meeting. All outstanding issues relating to the implementation and enforcement of this agreement will be reviewed at the 'MELIA - IUF-UITA' annual meeting, and matters of an urgent or serious nature will be raised during the course of ongoing communication between Melia HR Management and the IUF-UITA International Secretariatat the initiative of one or other of the parties."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"The parties agree to provide all the information required relating to any breaches of this agreement, and upon presentation of this information, the parties will attempt to resolve any disputes through appropriate means of compliance employing good faith and direct dialogue (...)."

Related texts

Main topic

Human rights, trade union recognition, freedom of association and collective bargaining

Secondary topic(s)

constructive social dialogue , health and safety, child labour

