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Global agreement on Health & Safety of the GDF SUEZ Group


GDF Suez

Date of signature

13 May 2014


President CEO GDF SUEZ, IndustriALL, BWI, PSI

Key objectives

The signatories of this agreement therefore resolve to define and implement some fundamental principles regarding health and safety at work within GDF SUEZ companies, and to the fullest extent possible, within the GDF SUEZ supply chain and sphere of influence



Applicable law


Implementation and dissemination

At Group level, an “Extended Reference Group on health and safety Committee” will be composed of management representatives, not more than eight (8), and of eight (8) worker representatives, if possible from GDF SUEZ subsidiaries.In order to take into account GDF SUEZ’s activities and location, a medium-term Health and Safety action plan (over five years 2015-2020) will be implemented by major geographical area and/or type of activity. The follow-up will be done each year during the “Extended Reference Group on health & safety Committee”.

Review and monitoring

Twice a year, the members of the “Extended Reference Group on health and safety Committee” will be informed of activities and significant events. .
Once a year, the Health and Safety GDF SUEZ Management will present a summary of health and safety activities and results to the “Extended Reference Group on health & safety Committee”, in particular regarding the implementation of this agreement’s principles and commitments. .
Locally in each entity, Joint Health and Safety Committees, made up of employee representatives and their trade unions (or where none such exist, with the most representative organisations according to country) and management representatives with the support of occupational doctors and of experts in the field of health and safety, monitor health and safety results, and are involved in identifying hazardous situations, planning and following up on preventive measures.

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Questions relating to the interpretation of this agreement are the sole prerogative of the “Extended Reference Group on Health and Safety Committee”.

Main topic

Health and Safety

Secondary topic(s)

physical, mental and social well-being, prevention, working conditions, involvement of manager and each and everyone, social dialogue
