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Global agreement on fundamental social rights - Eurosport



Date of signature

10 October 2012


CEO Eurosport, General secretary UNI Global Union, Union representative CFTC Eurosport, Union representative CFDT Eurosport, Union representative CFDT TF1

Key objectives

Promote and develop the social dialogue not only within the company but also between the two organizations.



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

The present agreement is communicated to all employees in Eurosport entities and to the management of all undertakings concerned. Eurosport, UNI MEI and the representative company unions will ensure the effective implementation of this agreement.
In companies where Eurosport has a significant part but no direct control, the signing parties commit, in keeping with these businesses’ independence, to communicate the present agreement and facilitate its implementation.

Review and monitoring

The present signing parties will regularly follow and report on the agreement. The reports should notably be based on indicators of corporate social responsibility.

Dispute settlement and sanctions

If the present agreement or one of its principles is not applies in one of Eurosport’s entities, prior to external communication, UNI MEI will get in touch with the management of the company to establish the necessary consultation procedure. For its part, Eurosport commits itself to adopting, as quickly as possible, all necessary provisions for the content of this agreement to be respected.

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights

Secondary topic(s)

fundamental human rights, social dialogue and relations with trade unions, fight against all forms of forced and compulsory labor, prohibition of child labor, Non-Discrimination, Employment Policy: International mobility, access to training, remuneration, suppliers and subcontractors, Environmental Policy
