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Global Framework Agreement on Fundamental Rights and ENGIE’s Social Responsibility



Date of signature

20 January 2022


CEO of Engie, General Secretaries of IndustriAll Global Union, BWI and PSI and the representatives of the French trade unions at the Group level (CGT, CFE-CGC, CFDT, FO)

Key objectives

“The purpose of the agreement is to ensure the deployment of high standards in terms of labour relations and social rights through regular, open and constructive social dialogue at all levels.”


4 years

Implementation and dissemination

“ENGIE undertakes to make this agreement known to all its employees and managers to make sure that its terms are understood and implemented using the most relevant methods or approach. The signatory global federations undertake to relay this agreement to their respective affiliates and to do their best to ensure that its principles are effectively applied. Joint actions to achieve this goal may be organized.”

“ENGIE and the signatory Global Union Federations will organise a joint awareness-raising initiative on the agreement with management and employee representatives and/or the Global Union Federations. The aim is to explain the spirit, purpose and content of the agreement, so that the understanding of the text and its implementation are consistent across all of ENGIE's activities around the world. The forms of such an initiative will be decided by the signatories.”

“Through its governance and professional practices, ENGIE undertakes to implement this agreement and ensure its application among all the parties mentioned herein. As such, the signatories undertake to provide said parties with all the information required to raise their awareness and to deploy the necessary training.”

“Any situation that is inappropriate or does not comply with the Group's principles or with applicable laws and regulations may be reported through the whistleblowing system.”

Review and monitoring

“The implementation of this agreement will be monitored at local level as well as at global level. Its progress will be presented at the annual meeting of the World Forum.”

“In the event of suspected serious and repeated violations of the principles of this agreement, the members of the World Forum (Management and Representatives of GUFs) may instruct a mixed union  and employer delegation - comprising experts chosen by each party - to make an on-site visit. The aim of this visit will be to assess the situation, in particular by meeting with the stakeholders concerned, in order to put forward solutions if violations are found. The delegation will report its findings and recommendations to the World Forum. The costs of the visit will be borne by ENGIE.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“In the event of any difficulties regarding the interpretation or non-compliance with this agreement, the signatories shall inform each other as far in advance as possible (before any external communication relating to this difficulty) in order to jointly seek an effective and constructive solution in the interest of all parties, through dialogue and within a reasonable time frame. 100.In the event that an employee or other affected person maintains that this Agreement is not being observed, the following procedure will be applied: - First, the complaint must be brought to the local site management. Employees may request to be assisted by a trade union representative. The Group undertakes to ensure proper evaluation of the dispute, in cooperation with the trade union representatives of local staff.

In the event that the complaint is not resolved via the social partners at local level, it will be passed on to the national contacts previously identified by ENGIE and the Global Union Federations.

- If the problem persists at national level, it will be dealt with by the signatories of this agreement in close collaboration with the affiliates of the Global Union Federations in the country concerned. It will be brought to the attention of the director responsible, who will ensure that the corrective measures identified with the GUFs are implemented as soon as possible.

- Informal discussions may also be considered appropriate, alongside conflict resolution efforts at local or national level.

- In the absence of resolution, the signatories may jointly appoint a mediator to facilitate the resolution of the conflict.

- As a last resort, the signatories will be able to refer the matter to the competent court within the jurisdiction of ENGIE's head office, regardless of the place of execution of the agreement and/or the intervention of a third party.”

Related texts

GDF – Suez Agreement on Corporate Social Responsibility (2010)
Global agreement on Health & Safety of the GDF SUEZ Group (2014)


Fundamental rights at work, duty of vigilance (French law), trade union rights, harassment, health, safety and quality of life at work, social protection floor, gender equality, diversity and non-discrimination, employment and skills development, digital transformation, lifelong learning, creation of a world forum for social dialogue, social dialogue at central level in each country, just transition
