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Global Agreement on the rights of Société Générale Group employees


Société Générale

Date of signature

June 23, 2023 (renewal)


Group Head of Social Affairs and General Secretary of Uni Global UnionCommunication UNI Global Union General Secretary

Key objectives

"The parties intend to formalise the positive practices observed since 2019 and ensure that they are taken into account through new commitments on remote working (including trade union rights), the digital environment, health, safety, security and quality of life at work, including prevention and the fight against discrimination, harassment and inappropriate behaviour, the development of diversity and respect for women/men equality, as well as universal commitments to social protection. "


4 years

Applicable law

"This agreement is subject to French law obligation."

Implementation and dissemination

"The parties shall communicate this agreement and the commitment to its principles to ail of their respective organisations and structures and shall each be responsible for implementing the agreement in good faith.

ln particular, SOCIETE GENERALE undertakes to communicate this agreement within all Group entities and to translate it into all the necessary languages.

SOCIETE GENERALE will make this agreement public by posting it online on its website and communicating it to its national and local managers."

Review and monitoring

"The parties agree that a joint monitoring committee responsible for the implementation of the agreement shall meet once a year to discuss the progress made under this agreement and its implementation.

The committee may meet on an exceptional basis at the request of one of the parties if current events so require.

The monitoring committee is composed in a balanced manner between the two parties, representatives of SOCIETE GENERALE and 8 representatives of UNI and its affiliates.

The agenda is drawn up, 15 days before the meeting, by the SOCIETE GENERALE Group Human Resources Department and the UNI representative according to the thematic and geographical priorities for applying the agreement concerning respect for fundamental rights and tracte union rights. The committee may rely on information received from the various countries concerning the quality of social dialogue, as well as the monitoring indicators already established as part of the social aspects of SOCIETE GENERALE's annual CSR reporting campaigns (some of which are published in the Universal Registration Document)."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"If a complaint made by one of the parties under the provisions of this agreement has not been resolved after having been submitted to the national or regional manager concerned, UNI may raise the matter to the Director of Social Affairs and the Director of Human Resources of SOCIETE GENERALE in the context of dispute resolution. The latter must respond within 3 months. The monitoring committee will be informed of these steps.

At the request of either party and subject to mutual agreement on the appropriateness of such an approach, a joint presentation shall be made of the agreement and its content in the country where a conflicting situation is found. An investigation is then carried out without delay in an open and transparent manner.

At this stage, the absence of a response or an unsatisfactory response may result in the settlement of disputes according to the following procedure:

- Referral to a mediator by mutual agreement

Each party may request recourse to a mediator. lt must make a written request to the other party who will then have 45 days from receipt of the request to respond positively or negatively to the mediation request.

In the event of an agreement on the use of mediation, the mediator shall be chosen jointly by the parties.

In the absence of mediation (refusal of a party to resort to mediation, lack of response to a mediation request within 45 days) or resolution of the dispute in this context or non­ performance by one of the parties to the mediator's decision, each party may thenrequest that the dispute be settled by arbitration.

- Request to set up the arbitration procedure by mutual agreement

In the event of failure of the mediation procedure, each party may request that the dispute be settled by arbitration (the terms of which must be defined by the parties). The party first to take action must make a written request by post to the other party, which will then have 45 days from receipt of the request to respond positively or negatively to the proposai to use arbitration.

After this period, in the event of an implicit or explicit refusal to resort to arbitration or in the event of disagreement between the parties on its terms, each party may, at any time, draw all the consequences thereof and may suspend the agreement by formally notifying the signatories of this agreement."

Related texts

Société Générale Global framework agreement 2015, renewed in 2019

Main topic

freedom of association, trade union rights, duty of care, osh and quality of work (including combatting harassment and promoting, diversity, social protection floor (maternity, paternity and death), digitalisation, digital rights and remote working.



2023-global-agreement-on-the-rights-of-societe-generale-group-publication_1687881073.pdf (2).pdf