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Global agreement on Corporate Social Responsibility - Siemens Gamesa


Siemens Gamesa

Date of signature

25 November 2019 (renewal)


CEO, IndustriAll Global Union General Secretary

Key objectives

""The aim of this agreement is to share and reinforce the social, labour and environ mental aspects that are part of the Conduct Business Guidelines, ensuring their proper implementation, while fostering the conditions for a responsible social dialogue at global level, and securing respect for fundamental human and social rights (with particular emphasis on labour and union representation issues), environmental protection and sustainability. It also defines in the Appendix the procedures for a correct implementation and monitoring of this Global Framework Agreement. ""


4 years

Applicable law

Spanish law

Implementation and dissemination

Dissemination :
""Within one month of the signing of this agreement, and to promote its implementation, the Siemens Gamesa Group will: ensure that this agreement is translated into the languages of the countries where it operates; ensure that a copy of the agreement is made available ta every employee; produce and circulate materials presenting the agreement's provisions for HR directors, managers and employees; monitor implementation progress based on the indicators in the appendix and actions linked ta the vigilance plan for suppliers, subcontractors and business partners (Section 6 of this agreement); incorporate the agreement's commitments relating ta suppliers and subcontractors into its Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Third Party Intermediaries sa that they become aware of them; make this Agreement available on the Group's internet and intranet websites."" Implementation :
""At local level, implementation of the agreement will be part of the regular social dialogue between union/employee representatives and local management with a view to discuss and agree upon the initiatives to be ta ken, action plans, and the terms and conditions of implementation of this agreement, as part of a continuous improvement approach. These must take the local economic, cultural, professional and regulatory characteristics into account. In case of non-existence of local dialogue, special attention will be given ta establish structures for implementation. ""

Review and monitoring

"At global level implementation of this agreement will be monitored by a Siemens Gamesa Global Monitoring Committee (…) "" "" In case there is no union representative in a region, a representative will be appointed by IndustriALL's regional office.
The Global Monitoring Committee meets once a year to carry out an assessment of the agreement implementation, take the appropriate measures, if necessary, check compliance, and discuss future cooperation as part of global corporate dialogue. The parties communicate with one another continuously between meetings to pursue implementation, promote the agreement and identify mutually acceptable solutions to any issue that may arise. The Committee produces a yearly review of the agreement's implementation and evaluation of the results, and promotes good practices that have been identified.
The Siemens Gamesa Group will provide the Committee with any relevant information about the agreement's implementation within the subsidiaries on a regular and ongoing basis.
The Committee can make proposais to Management to carry out joint missions to check the proper implementation of this agreement in the field. ""

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"In the event of a dispute regarding the interpretation of, or non-compliance with, the agreement, the signatories undertake to mutually notify each another as soon as possible, so that they can work together to find an effective and constructive solution that is in the interest of ail the parties, through dialogue and within a reasonable time."" The parties ""agree that any worker has the right to warn management of a site and the trade unions about possible breaches or non-respect of the agreement. Linder no circumstances should such action be prejudicial to the worker. "
In case of a dispute, an escalation procedure is foreseen.

Related texts

Gamesa Global Agreement 2015

Main topic

fundamental rights at work

Secondary topic(s)

sustainable working environment, OSH, environnmental protection, supply chain
