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Global agreement for the promotion of social dialogue and diversity and respect for basic employee rights at Carrefour



Date of signature

5 October 2022 (renewal of the 2018 agreement)


CEO Carrefour, Secretary General of UNI Global Union

Key objectives

“The Agreement herein is intended to underpin an effective working method and maintain a positive and constructive common mind-set with respect to social relations between CARREFOUR and UNI Global Union in the continuity of their international agreements dated 15 May 2001, 30 September 2015 and 3 October 2018”


4 years

Implementation and dissemination

“CARREFOUR and UNI Global Union undertake to circulate this agreement to all entities over which it has control and management responsibilities and to all of its affiliate trade unions, asking that it be enforced by the leadership at each entity.”

Review and monitoring

“In order to assess the degree of implementation and manage any issues encountered in enforcing the present Agreement, representatives from CARREFOUR and UNI Global Union shall meet twice per year.”

“The Parties undertake to mutually inform one another at the earliest possible opportunity of any difficulties observed in implementing this agreement, in order to find a solution as promptly as possible.”

Dispute settlement

“Should a dispute arise regarding the interpretation or application of the agreement herein between an entity of CARREFOUR Group and UNI Global Union and cannot be settled through dialogue, the parties shall adopt the following procedure:

  1. a) Where the claim is issued by trade unions affiliated with UNI Global Union
  2. The claim must first be filed with the Management Team of the relevant entity.
  3. Where the claim has not been settled with Management at the relevant entity, the recognised local trade union or local representative of UNI Global Union may refer the matter to the leadership in the relevant country. Where a trade union has not yet been formed, the local representative of UNI Global Union shall be entitled to respond alone.
  4. If the complaint is still not resolved, UNI Global Union can contact the Social Relations Department of the CARREFOUR Group. In this event, CARREFOUR shall conduct an open and transparent investigation.
  5. If it is confirmed that violations have occurred, CARREFOUR shall see to it that the situation is remedied and that other appropriate measures are taken, as called for by the situation.
  6. b) Claims from the Management of an entity of the CARREFOUR Group
  7. The claim must first be filed with the local trade union.
  8. If the complaint is not resolved with the local trade union organisation, the Management of the entity may contact the Bureau or National Federation of the trade union organisation.
  9. If the complaint is still not settled, the local entity’s Management Team may refer the matter to CARREFOUR’s Social Relations Department, which will make contact with UNI Global Union. UNI Global Union shall then run an open and transparent investigation.
  10. If it is confirmed that violations have occurred, UNI Global Union and its affiliated trade unions shall ensure that the situation is quickly remedied and that appropriate action is taken, as called for by the situation.

Related texts

Global agreement signed in 2015, renewed in 2018.


Fundamental rights at work, freedom of association (formal and organised recognition and promotion process), social dialogue, diversity and professional gender equality, ILO Convention 190 on Eliminating violence and harassment in the world of work, violence against women, domestic violence , health and safety during the Covid-19 pandemic, promotion of the group’s commitment to its suppliers and franchisees.

