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Global Agreement - Euradius



Date of signature

01 August 2006


UNI Global Union, FNV KIEM (national trade union), Euradius BV and Euradius International BV

Key objectives

“The purpose of the agreement is to establish a code of conduct that the parties shall observe in supervising the practical application of the agreed principles. These principles are as follows.Common recognition by the parties of fundamental human rights in society and at work.”


“This agreement shall be valid for five years (…)”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Euradius BV and Euradius International BV shall provide written and verbal information about this agreement in all their branches. (…) to inform the managerial staff at all branches in writing about this agreement. The information shall be provided in English and in the language of the country where the branch is located.
(…) shall oblige the managerial staff to make the information in question, clearly and accessibly, known to the employees on the payroll of the various branches, and to anyone else who performs regular work for the branches.
Periodically, (e.g. once a year), this announcement shall be repeated so that new employees can take note of the content.
FNV KIEM agrees to inform its associate trade union organizations in the countries concerned of the existence of this agreement, so that the parties on both sides shall be fully and equally informed about the contents of this agreement.”

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

forced labour, child labour, non discrimination, right to organise and bargain collectively, employees’ representatives rights, cost of living wages, working time limits (voluntary overtime), decent working conditions, environment , information/consultation of the central works council on transnational topics.
