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Global agreeement on minimum level of protection for Solvay Group employees in terms of welfare and healthcare



Date of signature

15 December 2020 (renewal and enlargement)


CEO, Solvay Global Forum coordinator

Key objectives

"Solvay has decided to reinforce its commitment as a responsible employer by guaranteeing a minimum level of protection in terms of welfare and healthcare for all its employees worldwide.This minimum covers protection in relation to the following :
- Major healthcare costs
- Disability leave
- Maternity leave
- Paternity leave
- Adoption leave
- Death of an employee.
The objective of this agreement is to deploy a coherent and ambitious level of social protection on a global level, in accordance with Solvay's corporate responsibility, which includes demonstrating solidarity and caring towards ail its employees worldwide."


Indefinite term

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"These provisions will be applicable to the births and adoptions from January 1st, 2021. The other provisions of the initial agreement are still valid & already implemented.
Modalities for implementation shall be specified locally, in accordance with the legal and contractual provisions and their uses. The modalities may be subject to consultation with a local staff representative "

Review and monitoring

"Solvay management shall present an assessment of the application of the present agreement at the annual Solvay Global Forum meeting. Every three years, the parties shall assess whether the agreement needs to be revised."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

not defined

Related texts

Group’s practices for Subcontracting (1999)
Charter on sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (1999)
Guidelines on Social Policy in Joint Ventures (2003),
Group' practices on health and safety of the personnel (2002)
Global Agreements on the Solvay Global Performance Sharing Plan (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018),
Global framework agreement on corporate social responsibility between Solvay and IndustriALL Global Union ( 2013 renewed in 2017)
Charter on the recognition of trade union and employee representative experience (2018), Global agreement on minimum level of protection for Solvay Group employees in terms of welfare and healthcare (2017)

Main topic

social protection floor

Secondary topic(s)

Health expenses, disability pension, reclassification, maternity leave, paternity leave, co-parental leave, adoption leave, death benefit
